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This page lists all of the released Cumulative Updates (CU) and Service Packs (SP) for Microsoft Project 2013, both Standard and Professional from 2016 to date From February 2015 onwards all fixes are shipped in Public Updates (PU). From March 2015 client updates available via Windows Update and Download Center, server updates only via Download Center. From April 2016 the Office client updates are shipped 1st Tuesday. The October 2016 client updates were released on the 2nd Tuesday. From April 2015 onwards all fixes require SP1 as a prerequisite. They are listed in reverse date order - newest at the top. Each of these packages is cumulative, including all the previous fixes back to the last baseline (either the initial release or a Service Pack). I have also recorded the version you will see in the File, Account, About Microsoft Project link Project 2013. If you are running a click to run installation - such as Project for Office 365 see for details of the update schedules - but the version numbers and fixes should be roughly in line with the CU releases below.
March 2019 - no updates for Project 2013
February 2019 - no updates for Project 2013
January 2019
15.0.5101.1000 Improvements and fixes
This update adds support for Japanese era changes in Project 2013.
December 2018
No client update in December
November 2018
15.0.5085.1000 Improvements and fixes
This security update contains improvements and fixes for the following nonsecurity issue:Consider the following scenario:
- You have a SharePoint document library.
- The document library list experience is set to the new "modern" experience.
- The document library versioning settings require checkout.
- You have a Project file that is stored in the library.
- You open the file from the library by using Project 2013.
In this situation, you find that the expected "checkout required" prompt isn't displayed, and therefore you can't respond to it. This means that if you make changes to the project and save, Project tells you that the changes can't be saved because checkout is required.
October 2018
15.0.5075.1000 Improvements and fixes
- This update makes sure that the Japanese era name in Project 2016 is displayed correctly when a new era begins.
September 2018
No client update in September
August 2018
No client update in August
July 2018
No client update in July
June 2018
15.0.5037.1000 Improvements and fixes
- When you delete a Gantt chart type view that has a drawing in Project 2013, Project 2013 may crash. Related to this, when you delete a drawing in a Gantt view, you may see the drawing is deleted from another view.
- When you try to open an enterprise calendar while it is connected to a Project Web App instance by using Google Chrome, you receive the following error message:
Sorry, we were unable to open your project. Please try again. Is this happens again, contact your administrator.
May 2018
15.0.5031.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Consider the following scenario:
- You create a local project with some tasks and save it as a file.
- You create a second project, you have the first project share resources from it and you save it as a local file.
- You assign the resource to the tasks.
- You save the projects.
- You upload the project file and shared resource file to a SharePoint Online document library.
- You open the project file from the document library, and you receive the message:
This file shares resources from a resource pool
- After you select OK, the shared resource file is also opened.
- You add a new task to the project file and assign it to a resource.
- You save the project file and close both files.
- Consider the following scenario:
- As a team member, you open your timesheet and enter work for two adjacent days.
- On the first day, you set the actual work value back to zero.
- On the first day, you set 8 hours of non-working time on an administrator task (for example, vacation).
- You send a status update for approval.
- You open the previous week timesheet.
- You enter actual work values.
- You send the timesheet for approval and the status manager approves it.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You create a fixed duration task that is 100% complete.
- You create a custom calendar and add a one-day exception in the range of task duration.
- You change the task calendar to the custom calendar, and then you see that the duration reduces by one day.
- You save and then close the project.
- You reopen and recalculate the project, and then check the finish date.
April 2018
15.0.5023.1000 Improvements and fixes
- The Change Working Time dialog box enables you to select a date and to see the working shifts for that day listed in the Working times section. For example, a date shows working shifts of 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. In some cases, you may be unable to see all the defined shifts for the given date because it's hidden behind the text that tells you the date's base calendar.
- You open a project from the Project Center while using the Google Chrome browser. Then you see the following error message:
Sorry, we were unable to open your project. Please try again. If this happens again, contact your administrator.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a project plan that has many tasks with long durations.
- You may have some baselines established.
- You save the project plan to an XML file.
- You open the XML file.
This update also contains the following improvement:
- When you save a project to the XML format, the following pieces of new information are exported:
- The build number of Project that created the XML file.
- Project, task, resource and assignment GUIDs.
- Names of views.
- Names of tables.
- Names of filters.
- Names of groups.
- Names of data import and export maps.
- Names of reports.
- Names of drawings.
- Location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\MS Project\Options\Save\
- Type: DWORD
- Name: SimpleXmlexport
- Value: 1
- When you save a project to the XML format, the following pieces of new information are exported:
March 2018
15.0.5015.1000 Improvements and fixes
- If your project has manually scheduled tasks, and server notifications and reminders are turned on, you may receive unnecessary modified task notifications.
- After actual work from a status update is applied to a project task, the work values may not appear in the project as expected. For example, you report 4 hours on a day, but when you open the project, you don't see the time-phased actual work value. This issue may occur when you assign a new resource to a task that is completed.
- Assume that you create an .mpp file in a SharePoint document library, and then synchronize the library to the local computer by using OneDrive. When the file path is longer than 128 characters, the .mpp file can't be opened in Project 2013.
- When you open an XML file that has time-phased baseline data in Project 2013, the time-phased data on assignments may be displayed incorrectly. For example, the time-phased work hours that you entered are 2, 2, 2, 2. However, they are displayed as 2, 0, 0.58, 1.42, 0. The totals stay the same.
- When the Status field is referenced in a task custom field formula, other calculations may go slowly. For example, when you enter time-phased work data, it takes several seconds before you gain back control.
February 2018
15.0.5007.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Consider the following scenario:
- You save a baseline in your project and then you save the project.
- You save another baseline and you save the project, close it, and check it in.
- You query the database and view the MOD_DATE property for the given baselines.
- Another user opens the project and saves a different baseline.
- You query the database and check the MOD_DATE property for the three baselines.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a task that has a resource assigned.
- The task has a split in it. For example, there is a week of work, a week where no work exists and then a final week that has work.
- In the timesheet for this task, you enter hours on the task so that the work is completed up to the date where the split begins.
- The timesheet is submitted and then the status update is approved.
- After that, the project is opened in Project Web App and the task finish date is adjusted to a date that's after where the actual work is completed. For example, the actual finish date is set to the middle of the week where there is no work.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a Project Web App site and Project Professional 2013 in your organization.
- You create some custom project fields and add them to your project detail pages (PDPs).
- In Project Web App, you create a new project and add values for these custom fields.
- You open the project in Project Professional 2013, make a change and then save the project.
- You open the project in Project Web App and view the custom field values on the PDPs.
January 2018
15.0.4997.1000 Improvements and fixes
- When you operate on a project in Project 2013, you receive the following error message:
This operation cannot be completed because the source file contains invalid project data or the total number of rows would exceed the limit of 1,048,000 rows in a project. Validate the data in the source file, insert fewer rows, delete some rows, or consider dividing your project into subprojects to provide more space for tasks and resources.This issue occurs if the assignment maximum unique ID of 1048576 is exceeded.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You are using the German version of Project 2013.
- In Project 2013, you set the date format to use Weeks. For example, “3/W05".
- You create an automatically scheduled task.
- Then you modify either the Start or Finish field to change the date and save.
The date you entered isn't supported for this field. Dates must be between January 1, 1984, through December 31, 2149. Enter the date in the correct format, eg., 15/06/00 or 15 June 2000
December 2017
15.0.4989.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Actual work that's been reported by team members in a project inadvertently gets spread differently from what was reported. For example, the actual work hours of 2, 2, 2, 2 are changed to 1.78, 1.78, 1.78, 2.45, and the totals stay the same but appear differently across the days. This issue occurs in certain situations when the project is edited in Project Web App even though the task setting and display server option Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheets is enabled.
- When visual reports are generated from the context of a master project, the results are inconsistent and may fail completely in certain cases. For example, if you select the Earned Value Over Time Report chart, you may find that not all the costs from the sub projects are included in the pivot chart, and you may receive the following error message when you create a visual report:An unknown error has occurred. An error occurred and the requested action could not be completed at this time.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You open a project from Project Server.
- You save the project by using the Save for Sharing functionality.
- You delete data from the project. For example, you delete an assignment on a task.
- You save the project back to the server.
November 2017
15.0.4981.1000 Improvements and fixes
Consider the following scenario:
- You save a baseline in your project.
- You query the database and view the MOD_DATE property for the given baseline.
- You open the project and save a different baseline.
- You query the database and check the MOD_DATE property for the two baselines.
In this situation, you find that the values of the MOD_DATE property for the two baselines are the same. They should be different and reflect the dates when you save the baselines.
October 2017
15.0.4971.1000 Improvements and fixes
Assume that you edit a project that's connected to Project Server 2013 in Project Professional 2013. When you try to save the project, you may receive the following error message:
Change would modify work entered by a team member We can't make that change because Project Web App is set to only allow actual work to be entered by team members through Timesheets or My Work.This issue occurs after you install the July 11, 2017, update for Project 2013 (KB3213538).
September 2017
15.0.4963.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Consider the following scenario:
- You are using Project Professional 2013 or Project Standard 2013.
- You are working in a sheet-type view, such as the Gantt Chart view.
- You have created and applied a grouping in the Gantt Chart view.
August 2017
15.0.4953.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Improves some translations for the Danish version of Project 2013.
- This update also fixes the following issues:
- After you copy and paste a task within a project, the cost precision may be lost. For example, the cost of $76.85 on the source task becomes $76.65 on the pasted task.
- The Status value may be calculated incorrectly at the summary task level. For example, a summary task's status is displayed as Late even though all of its subtasks are calculated as Complete, Future Task, or On Schedule.
July 2017
15.0.4945.1000 Improvements and fixes
- After you import task, resource, and assignment information from an Excel worksheet in Project 2013, the work value is ignored.
- If the task finish date is changed in the schedule web part, the actual work is spread unexpectedly.
- Consider the following scenario:
- Your system region setting uses a comma as the decimal separator.
- In your project, you have a custom cost or number field defined.
- You save your data to the XML format.
- You give the XML file to an individual who opens it in the system where the decimal separator is a period.
- After you replace a local resource with an enterprise resource, the actual work is transferred to the enterprise resource even though it's a protected work.
June 2017
15.0.4937.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Translates some terms in multiple languages to make sure that the meaning is accurate.
- Pasting into the Resource Names field within the Task Usage view allows you to paste the same resource name more than once. This creates a duplicate and causes problems when you apply status updates from Project Server.
- This update fixes the following issues:
- When you open an XML file that has timephased baseline data in Project 2013, the timephased data appears incorrectly. For example, on Saturday, the timephased baseline work should appear as 0.9h, but it instead appears as 0.88h.
- When you open a project from Project Server, you incorrectly see the following error message:
This project cannot be opened in read-write mode because a previous project checkin for this project is not complete.
- When you open a .mpp file from a network location that has high latency, it takes a long time to open the file.
- Consider the following:
- A project manager publishes a task to a team member.
- The team member in either a timesheet or in tasks within Project Web App reports work that's earlier than what was scheduled. For example, 8h of work was scheduled on Wednesday but 8h of actual work was reported and submitted for Monday.
- The status manager approves the update.
- The team member zeros out the actual work and moves it to a later date.
- The status manager approves the update.
- The project is opened in Project Server.
In this situation, the task's actual start date still reflects the set with the earlier update instead of the new update where the actual start date is later.
May 2017
15.0.4927.1000 This update includes the following improvements and fixes:
- When you print review project data, you may find that text that's wrapping in a cell appears differently than it does in the view. For example, the text may be missing, or the location where the text breaks from one line to the next is different.
- When you open a project from a SharePoint list, Project 2013 may crash during the synchronization process.
- If a cost and work resource are assigned to the same task, you may be unable to change the task's status manager.
- It takes a long time to run VBA code that calls the CustomFieldValueListAdd method.
April 2017
15.0.4919.1000 This update includes the following improvements and fixes:
- Consider the following scenario:
You install either of the following updates that target Internet Explorer. October 2016 security monthly quality rollup for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 October 2016 Security Only Quality Update for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 After this, you use one of the following features in Project:
- Task Inspector.
- Import Project Wizard.
- Import Resources Wizard.
- Deliverables.
In this situation, the given feature pane isn't displayed as expected.
- In some circumstances, leveling on a week-by-week basis pushes tasks to the end of time (12/31/2149). Meanwhile, the leveling operation takes a long time to complete, and Project 2013 is unresponsive during that time.
- When you open a project file from a SharePoint site through the Recent menu in Project 2013, the file is opened with read/write access, and you are not prompted to check out the project even though the Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited? SharePoint option is enabled.
- When you assign a task to a resource with a max units 0, the assignment units is unexpectedly assigned as 100%.
- Removing the start date from a resource assignment may cause the start date of the task to reschedule to "as soon as possible", and this may cause huge leading splits on the assignment.
- When you edit an assignment finish date from a Task From type view, Project 2013 may crash.
- When you open the Build Team dialog box in Project 2013 and enable the Online status next to name display option, Project may crash.
March 2017
15.0.4911.1000 This update fixes the following issues:
- The Visual Basic Applications ScreenUpdating property does not work as expected in Project 2013. Instead of freezing the screen content when the code runs, the screen continues to update. This produces screen flicker and causes the code to run slower.
- In some cases, enterprise custom field data may be lost from a project after a status update has been applied, and the project is then opened in Project Professional 2013.
- Assume that you open a project plan, and transfer local resource custom field lookup table values to an enterprise resource enterprise field. Then you save the project plan to a Project server. In this situation, some custom enterprise resource lookup table values may be lost.
February 2017
15.0.4903.1000 This update fixes the following issues:
- When you print a project view such as the Gantt chartone one by one page in Project 2013, you may find that the row heights are taller than expected, that column widths are narrower than expected, and that font sizes are smaller than expected.
- When you open a project that has a milestone task, an actual start date may be added unexpectedly even though it did not have a date the last time it was saved.
- A task's % Complete value is also updated unexpectedly after you update the % Work Complete value.
- When you open a project and save it, the project ownership may unexpectedly change to you.
- The Cost Performance Index (CPI) value on a summary task may incorrectly display a value that's similar to -99999999999999.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You are a user who edits projects in Project Professional or Project Web app.
- You have been denied the Save Protected Baseline permission.
- You open a project from Project Server.
- You copy and paste a task to another location in the project.
In this situation, the protected baseline (baseline 0 – baseline 5) data is pasted. Because you don't have permissions to create baseline data, the paste process should not replicate this detail from the copied task and its assignments.
January 2017
15.0.4893.1000 Fixes the following issues:
- Assume that you save a project that has timephased baseline data to the XML format. When you open the XML file, the timephased baseline data is incorrect.
- In Project Professional, you can now add the Locked field to a task view to facilitate closing tasks to update.In Microsoft Project Server, team members have project tasks assigned to them and they report their status (the work that they have performed) on these tasks. In some cases, a project manager may want to close these tasks to update so that team members are prevented from submitting status but still have visibility to the tasks.To achieve this, previously the project manager had to edit the project in Project Web App and set the Locked field on the given tasks in the project. Now, in order to lock or close tasks to update, the project manager can open their project in Project Professional and insert the Locked field into a task view where they can set the value to Yes or No as appropriate.
- When you apply status updates in PWA, actual work is added to some assignments unexpectedly. For example, suppose that you have an assignment that has 35 hours total work and the status update is to apply 9 hours. When you view the results in Project Professional, you find that the assignment is unexpectedly completed. Meanwhile, the total work and the actual work have increased to 400 hours.
- When you open a project from a SharePoint document library through a direct URL, the project is opened as checked-out even though the Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited? setting is enabled.
- The Last Modified date in the Project Professional Open dialog box does not reflect the current time zone. For example, your time zone is Pacific Time (UTC-08:00) and the Last Modified date shows 09:15 instead of the expected 01:15.
- When you save a baseline for a selected task, the task or assignment baseline values may be incorrectly rolled-up to and displayed on the related resources.
December 2016
15.0.4885.1000 Fixes the following issues:
- Update the translation of the confirm message on a dialog box that appears when you change and close a project in Project 2013.
- Fixes the following issues:
- Ribbon buttons such as the Edit Item button may be disabled on a SharePoint tasks list if there are multiple pages of tasks.
- After you save a baseline, timephased work and cost values aren't displayed as expected. For example, you may see work and cost during periods where no work or cost exists.
- When you save a Project 2003 project to Project Server, resource custom field values may be lost.
- When you open an XML file, you may find that work on existing assignments is lost, assignment delay is reset to zero, and assignment finish dates are incorrect.
- You may find that the modified date for a project as seen within the Clean Up Cache dialog box incorrectly shows the date and time as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) instead of being adjusted to your time zone.
- In a master project, when you view the finish date of an inserted project summary task (this is the task that represents a subproject), you may find that it doesn't reflect the latest finish date of the tasks in the subproject.
November 2016
15.0.4875.1000 Fixes the following issues:
- When you open certain XML files, you may receive the following invalid error message:
The actual finish date is before some of the previously entered timephased actual work values. If you continue with this operation, Project will truncate some of the previously entered timephased actual work values. To continue, click OK. To remove the actual finish date, click Cancel.
- If you have a task that has a duration of four elapsed months or longer, Project 2013 freezes when you save the project as an XML file.
- Assume that you start Project Professional and connect it to a server, and then you select the load summary resource assignments check box. When you go to a resource usage view, a given resource may be displayed to be underallocated during a certain period (for example, daily) even though it should be displayed as overallocated.
- When you level a project on a week-by-week basis, Project may freeze. Additionally, when the leveling finally finishes, tasks are scheduled out to the end of time which is December 31, 2149.
- If an inserted subproject has a task that's 100% complete and has an ALAP constraint, the summary tasks within the subprojectmay have an incorrectly calculated start, finish, and duration.
- Assume that you start Project Professional and connect it to a server, and then you select the load summary resource assignments (SRA) check box. When you go to a resource usage view, a given resource may displayed to be overallocated during a certain period (for example, daily) even though it should not displayed as overallocated. This can occur if the actual work value from the SRA for the given period isn’t handled correctly.
- When you open a project from a SharePoint site and then click the Edit Project button from the banner, you may see an error message that resembles the following:
You have made changes to '<project name>'.Another user has also made changes. What would you like to do?Click Discard to discard your changes and edit the latest version.Click Save as to save your changes to a different file and open the latest version.
If you want to fix the following issue in Project 2013, please install November 1, 2016, update for Office 2016 (KB3118340).
- When you use the Send as Attachment email function to share a project, Project 2013 may crash if you have Outlook 2016 installed.
October 2016 15.0.4867.1003 Fixes the following issues:
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have an enterprise calendar.
- You set the enterprise calendar as the base calendar for some projects in the project server.
- In preparation to delete the enterprise calendar, you go to the projects that are using the calendar and select a different calendar for them.
- In Project Web App settings, you go to the Enterprise Calendars page and try to delete the calendar.
- When you publish a project from Project 2013 to PWA, resource enterprise custom field values may be lost.
- When you open an XML file, the duration of a fixed duration task may be changed unexpectedly. For example, you have a 9-day fixed duration task that begins on Monday and also an assignment that has 80h of work. 10h of work is completed across the first five days. Therefore, the work contour resembles the following:
2h, 2h, 2h, 2h, 2h, 0h, 0h, 17.5h, 17.5h, 17.5h, 17.5hWhen you open the project, the duration is changed to 13.75 days and the contour resembles the following:2h, 2h, 2h, 2h, 2h, 0h, 0h, 8h, 8h, 8h, 8h, 8h, 0h, 0h, 8h, 8h, 8h, 6h
- If a task is updated to be 100% complete and the cost resource for the task is more than $83.33, the duration is reset unexpectedly.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a master project in which you have at least one sub project.
- The master and sub projects have been saved to Project Server.
- You unlink the sub project from the master project.
- You save the sub project back to Project Server.
- When you publish a project to Project Server, formulas associated with a custom field that use the Current Date function will display the correct values. However, the published data for the same field may display a different value. For example, you have a custom task field with a formula that displays the current date. Then, you publish a project and you see the expected values on tasks in the custom field in PWA. Two days later, you open the same project in Project 2013, you see the correct values and publish the project. However, when you see the published values within the custom field in PWA, you see the same value in two days earlier.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a master project.
- You have several sub projects in the master project.
- The sub projects are set to read-only.
- You open the master project.
- You select the Edit Project button from the banner.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a task in a project that has a resource assigned.
- The resource assignment has 80h of work.
- The resource assignment has split work wherein it works the first week, and it has a zero work split for the second week and finally has work on the last week.
- The assignment is 50% complete and the first week is completed.
8h, 8h, 8h, 8h, 8h, 0h, 0h, 0h, 0h, 0hYou view the stop date and also notice that it's the same as the resume date. After you install the update, the trailing zero actual work values no longer appear and the stop date corresponds to where the last timephased actual work value that's more than zero is ended, and it's not the resume date which starts at the beginning of the third week.
September 2016 15.0.4859.1000
- Enables DialogAPI 1.1 requirement set in Office 2013 applications and Mailbox 1.4 requirement set in Outlook 2013.
- Fixes the following issues:
- When you merge or append a tab-delimited text document into an existing project, the changes that are made can't be saved in Project 2013.
- Assume that you create a project from a template in Project Web App. When you try to enter the timephased cost or actual cost for a cost resource in Project 2013, the values that you enter can't be applied, and Project 2013 may crash.
- When status updates are applied, trailing timephased actual work values are created. This causes finish dates are later than expected.
August 2016 15.0.4849.1000 This update fixes the following issues:
- Translates some terms in multiple languages to make sure that the meaning is accurate.
- When you try to reduce remaining work on a task or assignment, you may receive the following error message unexpectedly:
Change would modify work entered by a team member.
July 2016 15.0.4841.1000 This update fixes the following issues:
- Assume that you have a Project .mpp file that's stored in a SharePoint document library. When you click the file name, the project opens but you don't see a banner that offers you the ability to edit or check out the project. Instead, the project may keep in a read-only state and you can't save or check in changes.Note To fix this issue, you also need to install July 5, 2016, update for Office 2013 (KB3115255).
- Assume that you start Project 2013 and connect it to a server, and then you select to load summary resource assignments. In this situation, when you go to a Resource Usage view and scroll through the resources, Project 2013 may crash. This issue occurs after you install March 8, 2016, update for Project 2013 (KB3114843).
- Assume that you set the primary or default Project Web App language to simplified Chinese and set the alternative language to English. When you try to synchronize projects with a SharePoint task list, the process fails.
June 2016 15.0.4833.1000
- Updates the translation of the project check in dialog box for French to make sure that the meaning is accurate.
- Fixes the following issues:
- When you save a project for sharing, and then you save it back to the server, the baseline data is deleted from the project if you don't have the Save Protected Baseline permission.
- When you use Project 2013 with Project Web App online, some users can't edit enterprise calendars. Meanwhile, the following error message is displayed:
You need to have Microsoft Project Professional 2016 Preview installed and configured to connect to a profile for this Project Web App site. You can do so by opening Project Professional, and adding the URL of a site in your PWA site collection to the Manage Accounts dialog in the Info tab of the File menu. Then, close Project Professional, and open it connected to this profile before trying this operation again. If Project Professional is already loaded, ensure that it is connected to the profile for this Project Web App site and that there are no dialog boxes open.
- When you add a resource or do a Save As operation to the MPP format on a project that's connected to Project Web App, Project 2013 may crash.
- After you set a resource to have max units that's greater than 100%, you can't assign the resource to a task at 100% units.
- When you open projects, Project 2013 may crash. This issue occurs for some projects in which certain calendars in those projects were duplicated.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a task in your project.
- You have two resources that are assigned to the task.
- On one of the assignments, delay is added.
- You publish the project to a server where protected actual work is enabled.
- The resource who owns the assignment where delay doesn't exist reports work and the status update is applied to the task. The other assignment still has no actual work.
- As the project manager, you set the work value to zero on the assignment that has no actual work.
- Consider this scenario:
- A task has one 8-hour assignment and it is published to a team member.
- The team member opens their timesheet and enters multiple time-phased actual work values. For example, 8h on the first day and 3h on the second day.
- The team member changes his mind and zeros out the last time-phased value. In this case, the 3h turns to 0h.
- The team member submits their timesheet and the status manager approves the update which is then applied to the project.
- Assume that you change the name of the project summary task and save the project in Project 2013 on a computer that has Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 installed. When you open the project again, the name is reverted to the previous one.
- When you try to reset the work breakdown structure (WBS) for a selection of tasks, the whole project is updated instead.
- Assume that you open a master project that has many subprojects in Project 2013. When you press ESC to cancel the loading, Project 2013 may crash.
- When you open a project that has many cross project links in Project 2013, it may freeze and eventually crash if the computer runs out of memory.
- When you use the Project Import Wizard, you receive an incorrect merge result if the merge key is set to a custom field.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You open a project in Project Server.
- You close the project but don't check it in.
- The project on the server is forced checked-in.
- You try to open the project.
- When you scale a printout to fit to one page in Project 2013, the printed output is unreadable.
- Assume that you change the name of an enterprise calendar. When you open projects that use that calendar, Project 2013 may crash.
- When you save a project, some baseline information may be lost if you don't have permission to save a baseline.
- When you set the % Work Complete value for summary tasks in Project 2013, Project 2013 may stop responding. This issue may occur if Project is connected to a Project server where the Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheets setting is enabled.
- If you set % Work Complete progress on a summary task in Project 2013, work and actual work may incorrectly be added to subtasks that don't have a resource assigned.
- When you connect to Project Server, the last modified and last published timestamps aren't displayed as your current timezone in Project 2013.
May 2016 15.0.4823.1000
- A better translation of the following messages is now available for the Japanese language. These messages appear when a user tries to edit the name of an enterprise resource within a project:
- Changes to enterprise resources will be lost.
- You can modify an enterprise resource in a project for modeling purposes and publishing the project will include any changes. Your changes will be overwritten when the project is next opened.
- Fixes the following issues:
- Consider the following scenario:
- A team member is assigned to a task that begins on Monday.
- The task is published to the team member.
- The team member opens their timesheet and enters actual work on Wednesday.
- The team member submits their timesheet.
- The project manager approves the status update from the team member.
- After you import data from an Excel workbook, the project plan isn't updated accordingly. For example, in the Excel workbook, you update the work on an assignment. Then, you import the data to Project. In this situation, the update is ignored.
- When you try to print a specified amount of pages and select to have the timescale fit to the end of the page, the timescale doesn't fill the horizontal page.
- Consider the following scenario:
- A task has a resource assigned to it.
- An actual start date is entered on the assignment, and the date is earlier than the task’s start date.
- Assume that you change a date by using the date picker, and the date is not in the current year. In this situation, the day and month are changed but the year isn't changed. This issue occurs when the date format is set to 4/W04.
- When a summary task is viewed in the task inspector, the subtasks aren't listed.
- When you save subprojects in the context of a master project, Project 2013 may crash. This issue may occur if the subprojects have Visual Basic Applications code in them.
- When you delete a resource from a split task, the split task is deleted unexpectedly.
- When you set a finish date for a fixed duration task in which assignments on the task have actual work entered on non-working times, the finish date is changed to a different date from what you entered, and the assignment finish date is changed to the task finish date even though the assignment doesn't share the task's finish date.
- Setting actual cost for cost assignments on tasks doesn't always calculate the correct progress as expected. This issue occurs when the assignment is the only resource on the task.
- When you import a project from an XML file, time-phased baseline work isn't imported correctly. For example, on an assignment, the baseline cost values over a 10-day period are as follows:
2h, 3h, 4h, 5h, 6h, 8h, 8h, 8h, 8h, 8h.When it's imported, the values change to 2h, 6h, 6h, 6h, 6h, 6h, 6h, 6h, 6h.
- If you use the Assign Resources dialog box to replace one resource with another resource, the total work value displayed in the Resource Usage view isn't always updated correctly.
- Consider the following scenario:
April 2016 15.0.4815.1000
- Assume that you open a project that shares resources from a common resource pool, and when you are prompted, you click to open the resource pool. When you change the assignments in the sharing project, the changes are not reflected in the resource pool project.
- When a resource is overallocated by a combination of actual work and remaining work, the work doesn't appear in red (overallocated) in that period when it's leveled on a day-by-day basis.
- You can't create a project from a SharePoint task list if the list has data validation rules set.
- Microsoft Project doesn't always calculate the finish dates of some tasks. This causes them to finish later than expected. This can occur in a scheduled from finish project where implied dependencies from a summary task to the sub tasks aren't always respected.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have an enterprise resource that's assigned to a project.
- You change the booking type for the resource.
- You save and then open the project again.
- Consider this scenario:
- You have an enterprise resource custom field.
- The field has a lookup table applied to it, and multiple values can be selected.
- You have a resource that has a value in the field that's longer than 255 characters.
- You open a project in Project Professional that uses this resource.
The value you entered does not exist in the lookup table of this code. All values must be predefined in the code lookup table. Contact your server administrator to get new values added. - When you select multiple tasks and try to replace a resource, the replace action doesn't work if the initial resource that you are replacing isn't assigned to all the selected tasks.
- The Visual Basic Application (VBA) OpenXML method fails with the following error message:
Run-time error '1101'Application-defined or object-defined error.
- When you open a master project that has cross project links, Project 2013 may crash.
March 2016 15.0.4805.1000
- When you open a Project file from a SharePoint document library, the file is sometimes opened as read-only when it should be read and write. In other cases, the project is sometimes opened as read and write but you can't save changes.Note To fix this issue, you also need to install March 8, 2016, update for Office 2013 (KB3114816).
- You can't publish a project in Project Web App and receive an error message that looks something like the following:
Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'pub.MSP_PROJECT_RESOURCES'
- After you level a project, some resources may remain overallocated.
- You set the Default Assignment Owner field for an enterprise resource. Then, you create a project that uses the resource. In this situation, the Default Assignment Owner field is blank.
- When a plan is opened for edit in Project 2013 or in Project Web App, in some cases, additional actual work may appear on an assignment.
- It takes a long time to close and check-in a master project if Summary Resource Assignments (SRA) are loaded.
- It takes a long time to open multiple projects from Project Server in Project 2013.
- If you enable the Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheets option, you can't set tasks to 100% complete if the task has an assignment with zero work.
- If you have a project saved to Project Server, you can't access project level properties.
- Macros that exist in the local global template don't work if they are invoked from the ribbon. This issue occurs when Project 2013 is connected to Project Server.
- After you edit projects in Project Web App, paste-linked data no longer works properly. Normally, when you open a project that has paste-linked information, you see the following message:
"<project name>" contains lined information. Do you want to re-establish the links? * If you want to update this information by accessing the linked project or the linked program and file, click Yes. * If you do not want this information and you want to use the existing information instead, click No.Project cannot connect to link. Do you want to delete the link?
- If you save an incremental baseline that rolls up baseline values from a task to summary tasks, the timephased baseline values of the summary tasks are deleted from the dbo.MSP_EpmTaskBaselineByDay table in the reporting database.
- If you delete data by using the delete or backspace key in Project 2013, the BeforeTaskChange, BeforeResourceChange, and BeforeAssignmentChange events will not be triggered.
- When you level resources for projects in Project 2013, Project 2013 may crash.
- If you have the option to clear leveling values before leveling or you click the Clear Leveling button within the Resource Leveling dialog box, it doesn't always work correctly. Instead, tasks may be leveled to unexpected dates or values may still be found in the Leveling Delay field.
February 2016 15.0.4797.1000
- When you enable the Level only within available slack option to level a resource, this option should allow assignments to be scheduled later as long as the overall project isn't finished. However, you receive a message stating that leveling can't resolve over allocated resources. When you select the Skip All button, leveling pushes tasks past the project finish date.
- When you open a project from a server, it may take a long time if the project doesn't exist in the user's local active cache.
- When you apply a grouping to a task type view, baseline finish type fields may not show the expected value on the grouping summary row tasks. Instead of showing the latest finish date as expected, the field shows Not Available if at least one of the grouped tasks doesn't have a baseline finish date.
- Consider the following scenario:
- A user enters time phased actual work on an assignment and submits the work for approval.
- The status manager approves the update.
- The user changes the assignment start date and then submits the change.
- The status manager approves the update.
- Assume that you have a series of related tasks (they have dependencies between them) and you now make one of the tasks inactive. In this situation, the successor tasks to the inactive task may be scheduled later than expected.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a 1d task that has an assigned resource and the assignment has 8h of work on a single day.
- You set the assignment contour to front-loaded. At this point, you now have two daily work segments of 6.67h and 1.33h.
- You save the project as an XML file and reopen it.
January 2016 15.0.4787.1000
- When you save a password protected file by using the Save As function in Project 2013, the file may become corrupted and then can't be opened.
- When you try to save a project to the Project 2007 format in Project 2013, Project 2013 crashes. This issue occurs if the project has a table defined, and the Lock first column option is enabled in the table and the locked column has a title associated with it.
- When you use Project 2013 with certain Windows region date and time formats (for example, Spanish (Mexico)), baseline bars aren't displayed in the Gantt chart.
- When you scroll horizontally across the timescale in a Gantt type view, the nonworking time shading might not be displayed correctly. This issue occurs if you have chosen to display the shading in front of the bars.
- When you try to import an XML file in Project 2013, nothing is imported and no error message is displayed. This issue occurs if the namespace tag is different from the following default one:
<Project xmlns="">This issue occurs after you install September 8, 2015, update for Project 2013 (KB3085510).
- When you import data from an Excel workbook in Project 2013, text data that is mapped into text type fields is truncated to 128 characters. For example, a task name is truncated.