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This page lists all of the released Cumulative Updates (CU), Service Packs (SP) and one important Public Update (PU) for Project Server 2013 from January 2016 to date. From February 2015 onwards all fixes are shipped in Public Updates. From March 2015 client updates available via Windows Update and Download Center, server updates only via Download Center. From April 2015 onwards fixes have a pre-requisite of SP1 - please ensure all components are patched to SP1, including any language packs you may have installed. They are listed in reverse date order - newest at the top. The PU/CUs are normally available in a 'rollup' package that also includes the SharePoint Server and SharePoint Foundation CUs as well as one (sometimes two) 'Individual' packages which just contain the Project Server fixes. Each of these packages is cumulative, including all the previous fixes back to the last baseline (either the initial release or a Service Pack). In some months a rollup package did not get released. I have also recorded the version you will see in the dbo.Versions table in the Project Server database after applying each update and running the configuration wizard. In some months this does not get incremented if there were no database changes.
This is a roll-up - no specific fixes for Project Server 2013
This is a roll-up - no specific fixes for Project Server 2013
January 2019
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.5101.1000 Improvements and fixes
- This update fixes the following issue: Assume that you have selected PEN, AED or other values in the Currency Settings section on the Additional Server Settings page. When you create a project from Project Web App (PWA), you receive a ProjectOptCurrencySymbolInvalid error and the project is not successfully created.
December 2018
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.5093.1000 Improvements and fixes
- This update fixes the following issues when you work in Project Detail Pages (PDPs):
- You can't type multiple digits in a cost type field. Therefore, the Cost value is not displayed as expected.
- If you can select lookup table values from fields that have lookup tables associated with them, when you save the project and then come back to it, the values that you selected earlier were not saved.
November 2018
Rollup - This month, the cumulative package does not contain patches for Project Server 2013 but only for SharePoint 2013. If you also use SharePoint in your environment, we recommend to install this update. Database schema: 15.0.5085.1000
October 2018
Rollup - This month, the cumulative package does not contain patches for Project Server 2013 but only for SharePoint 2013. If you also use SharePoint in your environment, we recommend to install this update. Database schema: 15.0.5075.1000
September 2018
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.5067.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Assume that you open a Project Web App by using the latest Microsoft Edge browser. You experience the following issues:
- After you create and apparently save a project in the Project Center, the project is not actually saved and no longer exists.
- If you change a custom field value in an existing project, the change is not saved.
August 2018
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.5059.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Assume that you open a Project Server 2013 Project Web App site through Chrome and the name of a project on the site contains spaces. If you use Project 2013 to open the project from the site, you experience an error. After you install this update, you can open the project successfully.
July 2018
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.5049.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Local custom date type fields that have a formula and have the Calculation for task and group summary rows option set to minimum or maximum are not rolled up correctly to summary tasks when you update a project in Project Web App.
- The ReadStatusTimephasedData API is not available for users who have the Status Broker permission. Therefore, they cannot get the timesheet time-phased related data.
- When you assign a resource to an unassigned task and publish the task in Project 2013, the newly created assignment does not properly update the AssignmentResourceType, AssignmentType, ResourceUID, and ResourceOwnerUID fields in the MSP_EpmAssignment table in the reporting database. Additionally, the expected time-phased data for the assignment in the MSP_EpmAssignmentByDay table is not found. This issue occurs after you install March 6, 2018, update for Project 2013 (KB4018292).
- A custom event receiver that's associated with timesheets generates an error in Project Server in Windows Server 2012 R2. When you create a timesheet, you receive the following error message:
This Web Part was unable to load.
Information that may be useful in solving this problem was written to the Unified Logging Service (ULS) log on the Project Web App with the following ID: IDNumber
For more information, contact your Project Web App ADMINISTRATOR.
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.5011.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Even if a user never touches or owns an assignment, the Status Update History page shows the assignment is updated by the user. For example, the status history in the approval center shows that a status manager approved an assignment even if the status manager did not approve.
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.5011.1000 Improvements and fixes
- After you publish a project plan, you look at the Manage Queue Jobs page and find that the ManagedModeTaskSynchronization job has failed, and you see error details similar to the following:
GeneralQueueJobFailed (26000) - ManagedModeTaskSynchronization.SynchronizeTaskListInManagedModeMessage.
- The title on a Project Detail Page shows the "&" (ampersand) character displayed as "&".
- When you try to open a project from the Project Center while using Internet Explorer 11 in Windows 7, you receive the following error message:
Action Not available. Project Professional needs to be installed to open the project. Install project and try again.
- Status managers see the following error message in the status updates history page:
_error loading
- Consider the following scenario:
- As a team member, you open your timesheet and enter work for two adjacent days.
- On the first day, you set the actual work value back to zero.
- On the first day, you set 8 hours of non-working time on an administrator task (for example, vacation)
- You send a status update for approval.
- You open the previous week timesheet.
- You enter actual work values.
- You send the timesheet for approval, and the status manager approves it.
In this case, the actual work entered on the second of the two days moves to the first day. The actual work should not move when the status update is applied to the project.
- This update fixes the CRTL+S keyboard shortcut save functionality on Project Detail Pages for the Arabic, Finish, and Portuguese versions.
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.5011.1000 Improvements and fixes
- When an assignment actual work is missing in a published database, the timesheets page does not load in single entry mode. In addition, you receive the following error message:
The view failed to load. Press OK to reload this view with the default settings. Press Cancel to select another view.
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.5011.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a Project Web App (PWA) site and Project Server 2013 in your organization.
- You log in to the PWA instance, and then you create an enterprise custom field for the resource entity and another enterprise custom field for the project entity.
- You start Project Professional 2013 and connect to Project Server 2013, add a resource, and set a value to its custom field.
- You save the project and check it in.
- In PWA, you locate the Project Center, drill into the project, and select a Project Details Page (PDP) if you have not already selected one.
- You make a change to the project custom field and then save the project from the PDP.
- In Project Professional 2013, you open the project and view the custom field value.
In this situation, the value of the resource custom field is missing.
- The Manage Queue page may not to be loaded if there is a duplicate Reporting (Project Publish) job. In addition, you may receive the following error message:
Error System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.4991.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a task that has a resource assigned.
- The task has a split in it. For example, there is a week of work, a week that has no work, and then a final week that has work.
- In the timesheet for this task, you enter hours on the task so that the work is completed up to the date where the split begins.
- The timesheet is submitted, and then the status update is approved.
- After that, the project is opened in Project Web App, and the task finish date is adjusted to a date that's after the actual work is completed. For example, the actual finish date is set to the middle of the week where there is no work.
In this situation, the actual work is spread over the whole duration.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a Project Web App site and Project Professional 2013 in your organization.
- You create some custom project fields and add them to your project detail pages (PDPs).
- In Project Web App, you create a new project and add values for these custom fields.
- You open the project in Project Professional 2013, make a change, and then save the project.
- You open the project in Project Web App and view the custom field values on the PDPs.
In this situation, the values for these custom fields may be lost.
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.4991.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Consider the following scenario:
- You go to the Delete Enterprise Objects page and then select timesheets.
- You select a date range.
- You click the Delete button.
In this scenario, the process starts, but later you see an error message that resembles the following:
Sorry, something went wrong An unexpected error has occurred. Technical Details Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation. Correlation ID: 0xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Date and Time:< Date> <Time>
Additionally, when you view the queue jobs, you find that they have not completed. This problem can occur if there are thousands of timesheets and hundreds of reporting periods.
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.4989.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Actual work that's been reported by team members in a project inadvertently gets spread differently from what was reported. For example, the actual work hours of 2, 2, 2, 2 are changed to 1.78, 1.78, 1.78, 2.45; the totals stay the same but appear differently across the days. This issue occurs in certain situations when the project is edited in Project Web App even though the Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheets task setting and display server option is enabled.
- After an administrative time category name is changed, the new name isn't always used when you create new timesheets.
- Time phased planned work values don't display on a timesheet when the Task Settings and Display Reporting Display option is set to "Resources should report their total hours worked for a week".
- When you delete a value from a custom field that's configured to display a graphical indicator, the record in the database is not deleted, instead the value is set to NULL and the indicator value is preserved in reporting.
- Consider the following scenario:
- A project manager publishes a task to a team member.
- The team member goes to her or his timesheet and enters actual work on the task.
- The timesheet is submitted and then approved.
- The project in which the task exists is deleted.
- The team member goes back to their timesheet.
In this situation, the task on which the actual work was submitted is no longer there.
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.4951.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Assume that you have Office Web Apps Server 2013 installed. In the on-premises version of Microsoft Word Online and Microsoft PowerPoint Online, decimal values are truncated in a chart axis or data label.
- After you change the SharePoint farm authentication realm, Project Server workflows stop progressing and go into suspended mode.
- If you don't have permission to approve a timesheet, the browse button in the Confirm Approval dialog displays the following message:
- If the previous publish failed, the publish of the master project is blocked.
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.4951.1000 Improvements and fixes
- This update improves the translation of the Task Mode setting name for the Spanish version of Project Server 2013.
Rollup - Individual - Database schema: 15.0.4951.1000 Improvements and fixes
- After you submit a timesheet, the resource utilization calculation option of a resource plan is changed.
Rollup - Individual - Database schema updated to 15.0.4951.1000 Improvements and fixes
- If you apply a filter that uses the Does not Contain filter test to a project that you are editing in Project Web App, tasks that have the filtered characters are still displayed.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a project-level custom field that's defined.
- A lookup table is associated with the custom field.
- The lookup table allows multiple values to be selected.
- You publish a project where multiple values are selected from the lookup table for the given custom field.
In this situation, the report may show multiple copies of the same lookup table value.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a local custom date field that's defined by using a formula.
- The formula rollup behavior is set to display either the minimum or maximum date value.
- You edit a project in Project Web App and supply data into the fields that drive the formula in the local date field.
In this situation, the date value does not roll up to related summary tasks.
- When you try to rename a project that has a required project level custom field from Project Professional 2013, you may receive the following error message:
Renaming project failed with error code hr = 0x80020009
- When you try to rename a project to a name that contains the ampersand (&) character, you receive the following error message:
Renaming project failed with error code hr = 0x80020009
Rollup - Individual - Database schema updated to 15.0.4945.1000 Improvements and fixes
- Sporadically, master or sub projects become usual projects.
- A user cannot edit summary tasks lock field in the Project Center while using Project Web App.
Rollup - Individual -,2017 Database schema updated to 15.0.4937.1000 Improvements and fixes This security update contains improvements and fixes for the following nonsecurity issues:
- Suppose you go to the Project Center page in the Project Web app and select many projects. When you click the Open In Microsoft Project option, nothing seems to happen, and the expected master project isn't created in Project Professional. Now, when you've selected more projects than can be used to create a master project via this method, you'll see a message similar to this:
Your selection exceeds the limit for the number of projects we can open at a time from Project Web App. We created a master project with the supported number of projects. You can then add additional projects by going through Insert Subproject.
- Added auditing capability to determine when and who changes the "Only allow tasks updates via Tasks and Timesheets" and tracking method Task Settings and Display server settings. When changes are made on the Task Settings and Display page, details are written to the ULS logs under the Project Server Administration category and look similar to these:
PWA:http://server/PWA, ServiceApp:Project Service Application, User:i:0#.w|domain\user, PSI: WS_ADMIN setting WADMIN_PROTECT_ACTUALS changed. New Value: 0. Old Value: 1. Resource Id: xxx PWA:http://server/PWA, ServiceApp:Project Service Application, User:i:0#.w|domain\user, PSI: WS_ADMIN setting WADMIN_DEFAULT_TRACKING_METHOD changed. New Value: 1. Old Value: 2. Resource Id: xxx
- This update also fixes the following issues:
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a series of tasks that are linked.
- Because of the way that the tasks are scheduled, the successor tasks don't necessarily start and finish at the day boundaries. For example, start at 8:00 AM and finish at 5:00 PM.
- A resource is assigned to the tasks, and they are published.
- The resource completes the work on the tasks entering all actual work on a given date and sends the status update to the project manager for approval.
- The project manager approves the updates.
In this case, the start date of the given tasks may be different than what's expected. For example, show an actual start time of 9:10 AM whereas in another case it may show 8:00 AM. This issue occurs because the order in which the status updates were applied was not consistent.
- Consider the following scenario:
- A project manager publishes a task to a team member.
- The team member in either a timesheet or in tasks within the Project Web app reports work that's earlier than what was scheduled. For example, 8h of work was scheduled on Wednesday but 8h of actual work was reported and submitted for Monday.
- The status manager approves the update.
- The team member zeros out the actual work and moves it to a later date.
- The status manager approves the update.
- The project is opened in Project Server.
In this situation, the task's actual start date still reflects the earlier update instead of the new update where the actual start date is later.
- When a Project server is processing a huge number of timesheets, the Reporting (Timesheet Save) jobs may fail. In the ULS logs, you may see an error similar to this: ReportingTimesheetSaveMessageFailed (24014) - A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server.
- After you close a project resource plan, the resource plan isn't check in.
- The performance of the Approval Center PWA page is poor. This issue occurs after you install the January 12, 2016, update for Project Server 2013 (KB3114507).
- User generated (ad hoc) custom filters that are applied to PWA views don't display data values. For example, you open a custom filter dialog box in Project Center to add a filter on a date column. After you save, close, and then reopen the dialog box, the date you set isn't displayed.
- When you submit a status update, task-level baseline data disappears from the Tasks view for the given task assignments.
- Server-side defined timesheet view grouping doesn't work with custom fields.
To fix the following issue, install June 13, 2017, update for SharePoint Foundation 2013 (KB3203398). When you add new tasks to a project while editing a project in PWA, formulas that use the Now() or CurrentDate() function don't calculate the correct result.
Rollup - Individual - No database schema update this month - so will be set or stay at 15.0.4911.1000 This security update fixes the following nonsecurity issues:
- Some summary resource assignment work or actual work values may have large negative numbers. This issue may cause the project publish process to fail.
- When you create a project web app instance at the root, and then you create project sites under a different site collection, you can't use the project details link in the project sites to return to the project. Instead, you may see an error message that resembles the following:This page can't be displayedMake sure the web address http://projectdrilldown.aspx is correct.Look for the page with your search engine. Refresh the page in a few minutes.
- Consider the following scenario:
- In project professional, you publish a project that contains a collapsed summary task.
- You open the project in Project Web App, and then you edit the project.
- You apply a filter to the project that sets criteria that should display tasks that are underneath the collapsed summary task.
In this scenario, tasks that should appear do not appear.
Rollup - Individual - Correction - database schema NOT upgraded this month - will still be 15.0.4911.1000 This update contains the following improvements and fixes:
- You have a required custom field with a lookup table and with a default value defined. When you create a project through a project detail page, the custom field isn't pre-filled with the default value. Instead, you have to select a value from the dropdown manually.
- Screen readers don't identify that the Delegate Name and the User Name fields on the Add Delegation page are required.
- On the Manage Queue Jobs page, the dates in the From and To in the Job History section don't work as expected. For example, you may not be able to set a date in order to see jobs from previous days.
Rollup -
Individual -
Database schema updated to 15.0.4911.1000
This update fixes the following issues:
- Updates the translations to make sure that the meaning of the word "Drivers" is correct in Project Server.
- This update fixes the following issues:
- You can't create resources by using the client-side object model (CSOM) if a resource custom field is required.
- When you use the Add Yourself to a Task function, all projects that you have access to are displayed even if there are no tasks in the project to select. This can cause a performance issue. Now, the project manager can lock the project summary task, and publish the project so that the given project isn't displayed as a candidate project to the team member.
- When you browse PWA pages that have HTML grids in standard mode in Internet Explorer 8 or in enterprise mode in Internet Explorer, you can't scroll pages because the scroll bars don't appear.
- If a project-level lookup table value that's assigned to a project is later deleted from the lookup table definition, you can't use the CSOM code to load the project and its custom fields included.
- Assume that you have a server event driven code that responds to status approvals. If a status update is accepted while the project is checked out, the CancelReason returns the default error instead of the error specific to the problem.
Just an individual package this month - Database schema updated to 15.0.4903.1000 This update fixes the following issues:
- After you edit a project in PWA, formulas that rely on the Now() function and the [Current Date] property aren't calculated.
- When multiple user and group synchronization jobs run in parallel, SQL deadlocks may occur. This issue may cause orphaned records in the MSP_WEB_SECURITY_PSMODE_PERMISSION_SYNC_STATES table that may also cause poor synchronization performance and large amounts of disk space consumed by the orphaned rows.
- Assume that a task is locked while a status update is pending, and then the project is checked in. In this situation, the status updates history page shows the update is both applied and published. However, the published job has not occurred.
- When you edit a project in PWA, you receive the following error message if the project summary task has a budget resource assigned:
The view failed to load.
- When you update a task on a timesheet, the Process Status field on other untouched tasks may be incorrectly changed to Not Submitted.
Rollup - Individual - DB Version - No update this month, so still 15.0.4883.1000 from December.
- On a Brazilian Portuguese Project Web App home page, the timesheet reminder uses the term Unsubmitted instead of Não enviados.
- Fixes the following bugs:
- Status updates aren't applied and the Project Calculation Service (PCS) returns an internal error even though the queue job shows no error.
- Consider the following scenario:
- The server is set to use single entry mode.
- You enter time on a task and save the timesheet without submitting it.
- A project manager deletes a task that has the saved time.
- You go to submit the timesheet or send a status update for the timesheet.
In this scenario, you receive the following error message:
An error occurred while communicating with the server.
- When you apply status updates in PWA, actual work is added to some assignments unexpectedly. For example, suppose that you have an assignment that has 35 hours total work and the status update is to apply 9 hours. When you view the results in Project Professional, you find that the assignment is unexpectedly completed. Meanwhile, the total work and the actual work have increased to 400 hours.
- Assume that you apply a change to a timesheet line in which the Process Status value appears as Awaiting Approval. In some cases, the status of the timesheet line is incorrectly changed to Approved and reporting also incorrectly shows the line as Approved.
- Consider the following two scenarios:
- From the Project Center, you drill into a project and choose to edit it. The process fails and you have to try the process again.
- A project is updated programmatically through some custom code and the Project Update from a PSI queue job fails at 50%.
In both scenarios, you receive the following error message in the ULS logs:
FilterSEH: The server encountered a very serious error but will continue to function. Exception code was: 0xc0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION).
You may also find that the error message is generated when a status update is applied to a project even though the status update is successfully applied during the retry operation.
Rollup - This cumulative update package fixes the issues that are described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) articles:
- December 13, 2016, update for SharePoint Foundation 2013 (KB3128007)
- December 13, 2016, update for SharePoint Foundation 2013 (KB3128011)
- December 13, 2016, update for SharePoint Server 2013 (KB3127997)
- December 13, 2016, update for SharePoint Server 2013 (KB3127998)
- December 13, 2016, update for Project Server 2013 (KB3128009)
Individual - Fixes the following bugs:
- Updates the translation of the check in confirm dialog box in Ukrainian when you close a changed project in PWA.
- Fixes the following bugs:
- If you have work in a resource plan and save or submit a timesheet which contains nonworking time and overlaps the dates of the resource plan, your work values in the resource plan may change.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You enter time on a task in your timesheet and then submit the timesheet.
- You enter time on the same task in a following timesheet and then save the timesheet.
- You go back and recall the earlier timesheet.
- You change time on the task and then resubmit the timesheet.
- You go to the following timesheet and then add more time to the task.
- You submit the timesheet.
In this scenario, the updated task isn't submitted for approval.
- When you publish a project, the SharePoint Visitors security group on the project site is truncated (users are deleted). This issue occurs even though the Enable Project Site Sync Project Permission sync setting is disabled.
- When a team member views a task's status history, the accepted date of an update is incorrectly displayed as the submitted date. Similarly, when the status manager views the Status Update History page, the approval date is incorrectly displayed as the submitted date.
- Changes to enterprise custom files within timesheets aren't submitted as a part of a status update. This issue occurs after you install September 13, 2016, update for Project Server 2013 (KB3118285).
Rollup - This cumulative update package fixes the issues that are described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) articles:
- November 8, 2016, update for SharePoint Foundation 2013 (KB3127936)
- November 8, 2016, update for SharePoint Foundation 2013 (KB3127938)
- November 8, 2016, update for SharePoint Server 2013 (KB3127928)
- November 8, 2016, update for SharePoint Server 2013 (KB3115176)
- November 8, 2016, update for Project Server 2013 (KB3127937)
- MS16-133: Description of the security update for Word Automation Services on SharePoint Server 2013: November 8, 2016 (KB3127927)
- November 8, 2016, update for SharePoint Server 2013 (KB3118356)
Individual - Fixes the following bugs:
- Tasks, resources, or assignments, which are created, for example, with client-side object model (CSOM), and use the same UID as the Project UID, cannot be edited in Project Web App (PWA).
- Making changes to timesheet lines may change the TASK_PUBLISHED_UID field of other timesheet lines.
- List properties such as MSPWAPROJUID were not set as expected. Therefore, accessing these properties returns NULL.
Rollup - Contains fixes from:
- October 11, 2016, update for SharePoint Server 2013 (KB3118355)
- October 11, 2016, update for SharePoint Foundation 2013 (KB3118368)
- MS16-121: Description of the security update for Word Automation Services on SharePoint Server 2013: October 11, 2016
- October 11, 2016, update for SharePoint Foundation 2013 (KB3118371)
- October 11, 2016, update for SharePoint Server 2013 (KB3115166)
- October 11, 2016, update for Project Server 2013 (KB3118370)
Individual - DB Version - 15.0.4867.1003
- Translates a new string in multiple languages to enable third-party screen readers to recognize it on localized sites of Project Server.
- Fixes the following issues:
- When you use a screen reader, it doesn't tell you whether some fields are required on a project details page. Additionally, if a custom field is associated with a lookup table, the screen reader displays no context for that, and it doesn't tell you that there are lookup table values.
- Windows SharePoint Services user synchronization fails.
- When you edit a OneNote notebook, the queue job performance is affected. This update optimizes the Project Sync Jobs trigger.
Rollup - Contains fixes from:
- September 13, 2016, update for SharePoint Foundation 2013 (KB3118283)
- September 13, 2016, update for SharePoint Foundation 2013 (KB3118287)
- September 13, 2016, update for SharePoint Server 2013 (KB3118269)
- MS16-107: Description of the security update for SharePoint Server 2013: September 13, 2016
- MS16-107: Description of the security update for Word Automation Services on SharePoint Server 2013: September 13, 2016
- MS16-107: Description of the security update for Excel Services on SharePoint Server 2013: September 13, 2016
- September 13, 2016, update for Project Server 2013 (KB3118285)
Individual - DB Version - 15.0.4855.1000
- If the farm administrator upgrades a Project Server 2010 database and has non US-en settings, the process may fail with an error message that resembles the following:
ConvertTo-SPProjectDatabase : Action of Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Upgrade.ReportingDatabaseSequence failed. At line:1 char:1
- Workflow fails (internal status turns to canceled) if the status information text contains an ampersand "&".
- When you create a project from a SharePoint task list, queue jobs related to workflows that are associated with the list may fail. For example, the "Reporting (Enterprise Project Type and Workflow Information Sync)" jobs may display failed.
- After you delete a value from a custom field on the My Tasks page, the change isn't saved and the value comes back when you go to the My Tasks page again.
- When you update a task on a timesheet, the Process Status field on other untouched tasks may be incorrectly changed to "Not Submitted".
- Document properties update in Project site document libraries could lead to a flood of Reporting (Project Sync) jobs in the Project Server queue if there's also a workflow that's applied to the document library.
Rollup - DB version - 15.0.4849.1000
Contains fixes from:
KB3115456 – Project Server stand alone
KB3115454 - SharePoint Foundation
KB3115458 - SharePoint Foundation
KB3115445 - SharePoint Foundation
Individual -
- After you copy and paste a task from the schedule project detail page, the duration of the pasted task appears incorrect. For example, the duration of a task is 1 emon (one elapsed month). After you copy and paste the task, the duration is displayed as 1.01 emon.
- After earned values are calculated in Project Web App (PWA) from the schedule project detail page, the values may not be saved, which means the published views of the earned value may not be accurate.
- A server-side correlation cancelation on a save job causes deferred jobs to be canceled. For example, a team member submits time against a task and the status manager approves the update. Then, the project is checked out and the Status Update job state is listed as Skipped for Optimization. If a future save on the given project is canceled for whatever reason, the Skipped for Optimization status update job is also canceled.
- Assume that you have created a Text type project level enterprise custom field, and it's defined to allow multiple lines. Then, you navigate to a project detail page where the Start field and the previously mentioned field are present. When you then make a change to the Start date and save the changes, the start date isn't saved. Likewise, changes to the custom field are also not saved.
- When you add a task to a timesheet, the Select from Existing Assignments dialog box can't be displayed so you can't add the task. Instead, you receive the following error message:
Sorry, something went wrong
An unexpected error has occurred.
Rollup - Individual -
- Translates some terms in multiple languages to make sure that the meaning is accurate.
- Fixes the following issue:
If you have an enterprise custom field that has a formula that references a custom field with a lookup table, the value may not be set correctly.
Rollup - Individual - DB Version - 15.0.4833.1000
- Improves performance of Project Server Enterprise Resources CSOM API if there's a large number of resources.
- Updates the translation of the project check in dialog box to make sure that the meaning is accurate.
- On the Manage Timesheets page, a screen reader can't determine which cell is selected and therefore it can't read out the information in the cell to the user.
- When you create a project in Project Web App and then you save, close and check in the project, it takes a long time before the page goes back to the Project Center. You may also see an informational dialog which states that it's taking a long time and suggests that you check the queue. This problem may occur when the "Prepare Project Web App Permission Synchronization For Projects" queue job takes a long time. This is possible if there're many user accounts in the server.
- When you edit and publish a project through the Project Server Interface (PSI), the outline numbers of tasks aren't updated to the reporting schema.
- Assume that you make a migration from Project Server 2010 to Project Server 2013. When you edit a resource, you receive the following error message:
The resource could not be saved due to the following reasons: A resource availability contour cannot go outside the range of the resource's earliest and latest availability dates.
- If project sites are created on a different site collection than Project Web App, the Web Admins group is created but never synchronized.
- If the submitted actual work hasn't yet been applied to a project, the related enterprise resources can be deleted.
- Timesheet page fails to load, and you receive the following error message:
The view failed to load. Press OK to reload this view with the default settings. Press Cancel to select another view.
Note This issue occurs after you install February 9, 2016, update for Project Server 2013 (KB3114737).
- Assume that you view a project on which there's at least one task that doesn't have a resource assigned. When you edit the project and switch from a task view to an assignment view that also has a task ID field, the view gets stuck in a loading state.
- The Project.CreateProjectFromTemplate PSI method creates inaccessible projects because the project owner doesn't get properly set.
- The approval date is incorrectly displayed as the submitted date in Status Update history.
- The Edit page function doesn't work as expected in Project Web App. For example, the ribbon appears dimmed and the Web Part menu can't be edited. This issue occurs after you install February 10, 2015 update for Project Server 2013 (KB2880996).
- Assume that your Project Web App UI language is French, and exporting the Resource Assignment view to an Excel workbook fails. In this situation, if you try to open the .xlsx file, you receive the following error message:
We found a problem with some content in 'xxx.xlsx'. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.
If you click Yes, then it opens in Excel, but you see other errors pointing you to the problem.
Rollup - Individual - DB Version - 15.0.4819.1000
- When you try to edit the name of an enterprise resource in your project, a better translation is available for the Japanese language for the following message that appears:
Changes to enterprise resources will be lost.You can modify an enterprise resource in a project for modeling purposes and publishing the project will include any changes. Your changes will be overwritten when the project is next opened.
- Fixes the following issues:
- On your timesheet, you enter an actual work value that's after the task start date or you enter an actual start date that's after the task's start date. When the status update is applied to the project, the task's actual start date isn't updated accordingly to the assignment actual start date.
- Assume that you press the Tab key to move the focus on a column header on the Manage Timesheets page. Then, you press the Enter key in order to sort by this field. In this situation, the focus is lost from the column header, and you have to press the Tab key many times in order to return to the column header.
- Self-assigned timesheet lines may display an incorrect TASKUID in the OData feed.
- The project start date on a project detail page, such as Project Details, is different from the date in the Project Information dialog box in Project Professional 2013.
- When you try to query OData from a workflow in Project Server 2013, an access denied error message is displayed.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have an enterprise project level flag field defined.
- You have this field displayed on a Project Detail Page (PDP).
- A user goes to the PDP page and by-default sees the value of No.
- The user saves and moves to a different PDP page.
- The user then goes to a different or the previous same PDP page.
In this case, the value is empty or NULL versus the expected No value.
Rollup - Individual - DB Version - 15.0.4815.1000
- If dependencies between tasks in a project have unusually large lead times or lag times, saving the project in Project Web App may fail, and you receive the following error message:
An error has occurred when saving your project to the server. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
- After you change the start date of an assignment on the My Tasks page or the Timesheet page in Single Entry mode, actual work on the assignment is changed unexpectedly.
- After you change project-level custom fields in a project through the Client-Server Object Model (CSOM), the project schedule may be changed unexpectedly.
- Even though you have already installed Project 2013, you may still receive the following error message from PWA:
Action Not Available. Project Professional needs to be installed to open the project. Install Project and try again.
- Project Server doesn't always test the checked-in status of a project correctly. Therefore, if a project is checked-out, there may not be a proper notification and a workflow running on the project may fail.
- After you change the booking type of a resource in a project, the booking type of the resource's assignments aren't updated to reflect the new booking type.
- Pending status updates may not be applied to a project upon check-in. Instead, they are applied until later check-in.
- The User Synchronization process may incorrectly remove users from their associated SharePoint security groups. Therefore, the users may no longer have access to Project Server.
Rollup - Individual - DB Version - 15.0.4805.1002
- When the data is grouped, the rows under the grouping rows on the Approvals page are always collapsed. This makes it difficult to quickly and easily view the detailed records that need to be responded to. Now, the Outline Level functionality control has been added to the ribbon on the Approval page.
- The Process Status field may show blank for a timesheet line when the status approval is pending.
- When you switch to a different filter type on the Manage Queue Jobs page, you may receive the following error message if many jobs are present:
Sorry, something went wrong.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You have a project-level enterprise field that's linked to a lookup table.
- The custom field is exposed on a project detail page (PDP).
- You edit a project from the PDP.
- You change the value of the custom field as well as another field such as the project description.
- You save the project.
In this situation, you receive the following error message:
An error has occurred while saving your project to the server. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
In addition, the queue job error details state GeneralItemDoesNotExist. This issue occurs after you install August 11, 2015, update for Project Server 2013 (KB3055018).
- The indicator for issues and risks is still displayed for a project in the Project Center even after the issues or risks are deleted from the project.
- When you create an enterprise project from a SharePoint task list, the project owner mapping is ignored and you become the project owner.
- When you edit a project in a project detail page, you can remove the project name and successfully save the project without instead receiving an expected error message stating that a project must have a name.
- On the Approvals page, when you select the units button and then select one of the work values (Minutes, Hours, Days Weeks), the grid can't be loaded. Sometimes, when you try to expand a grouped row, the expansion fails.
Rollup - Individual - DB Version - 15.0.4797.1000
- Consider the following scenario:
- You create a project in Project Professional 2013.
- In the new project, you disable the Actual cost are always calculated by Project calculation option under Project Options in the Schedule section.
- You create a task that has a duration value of 20d, and then you assign the task to an Enterprise resource.
- You insert the Cost and Actual Cost columns into the view, and then you update the values for the two columns.
- You save and publish the project to Project Server 2013.
- You create a report that is based on an OLAP cube that is generated from the server reporting data.
In this scenario, the task costs for this project are incorrect in the report because an additional cost for unassigned resources is added.
- When you apply a filter on an enterprise field that has a lookup-table within the schedule web part, no tasks are displayed for the project.
- When you save new resources to Project Server by using Project Professional, nothing happens. This issue occurs if the resources have a logon account defined. If the WindowsAccountEditable registry key is enabled, the resources can be saved successfully.
- You receive the following error message when you view the timesheet:
The view failed to load. Press OK to reload this view with the default settings. Press Cancel to select another view.
- The Approvals page doesn't roll up totals on grouping rows for the timephased data.
- Consider the following scenario:
- A team member adds actual work in their timesheet.
- The team member submits their timesheet.
- The timesheet approver accepts the update. At this point, the team member sees the Process Status field showing the expected Awaiting Approval message for the status update.
- The project manager opens the project but doesn't accept the updates.
- The project manager saves and publishes the project.
- The team member recreates the timesheet.
In this case, the Process Status field is empty instead of showing the expected Awaiting Approval message.
- When you add an existing assignment to the timesheet from a project, you receive the following error message:
error loading.
This issue occurs if the name of the project has the "&" character.
- Consider the following scenario:
- A user enters time phased actual work on an assignment and submits the work for approval.
- The status manager approves the update.
- The user changes the assignment start date and then submits the change.
- The status manager approves the update.
In this scenario, the time phased actual work may move to another date.
- A summary task may not correctly compute the rollup value of a custom field if the field is configured with the following properties:
- A date type
- A minimum rollup
- A formula where the value may be null (N/A)
- If you only change the project description on the Project Details page, the description isn't saved. This issue occurs after you install August 11, 2015, update for Project Server 2013 (KB3055018).
- On the Resource Availability page, you try to deselect some resources, but the resources stay selected if certain characters (for example, "<", ">", or "&") are contained in the resource names.
Rollup Individual DB Version - 15.0.4787.1000
- After you synchronize users to a project site in Project Web App (PWA), the users who should have access to the PWA instance do not have access to it, although these same users may still have access to the specific project site. When you view the PWA root site, these users are unexpectedly missing from the Readers (Project Web App Synchronized) group. This issue occurs after you install June 9, 2015, cumulative update for Project Server 2013 (KB3054865).
- If a self-assigned task has actual work applied and the "New assignment request" is rejected by the approver, the "Task update" record incorrectly appears in the approval center. This causes the status manager to approve work incorrectly for a task that was rejected previously. This situation may occur if the project is checked out when the "New assignment request" is rejected.
- Assume that you edit a project in Project Web App. After you change the work on a fixed work task that has no resource assigned, the duration of the task is changed. By default, the duration should not change for a fixed work task.
- Assume that you add the Project Details web part to a project site. When you select the resource plan button from the Project tab, you receive an error message that looks like the following:
Application error when access /_layouts/15/PWA/RM/ResPlans.aspx
- Consider the following scenario:
- A project server has thousands of users defined.
- A project manager creates a project in the project center.
- The project manager saves, publishes, and then closes the project.
In this scenario, the users may have to wait several minutes until the "Prepare Project Web App Permission Synchronization For Projects" queue job is completed.
- In certain situation, status updates aren't applied to a project through the approval process. This fix adds an auto retry mechanism to try the status approval again.
- When you try to add or delete a user from a project server security group, you experience an error if the project site is a root web and the host header configuration is enabled.
- It takes a long time to go to the Add or Edit Group page of a security group even though the security group doesn't have many users.
- After you edit a project through a project detail page, a project level custom field may become blank. This issue may occur if the project level field contains a formula that points to a task level field that also contains a formula.
- Some Project Web App pages don't properly set the cache-control property to no-store.