First published on MSDN on Sep 21, 2018
Run From Package
deployment has many advantages and makes DevOPs life much easier. No more live editing, no more file in use error, better cold start performance, same version gets deployed across multiple AppServices, etc. For more details please click on this
Slot Swap with Preview
options allows you to do a final sanity check and warmup the website before taking on production load. For more details please see this
and this
FYI, for high availability and better network performance, you should consider hosting your website in multiple regions and configuring a Azure Traffic Manager. For more details please see this
. Websites with heavy graphic, it is recommended to use CDN and upload all media files to Azure Storage. For more details please click on this
. This will reduce the size of package zip file.
Combining these above two features, we will be able to do better controlled deployment with least amount of downtime.
Here is sample PowerShell script to streamline deployments using these two features :
Main steps in this PowerShell scripts are
Upload the zip file to Azure Storage and get SAS url
Add this SAS url to the appsetting of AppService website
Initiate Slot Swap With Preview
Test the slot website and do the warmup
Commit Slot Swap With Preview
[code language=”ps”]
# provide your web package name
$zipFilePath = “.\”
# provide your storage account detail
$storageAccountName = “runaspacakge”
$storageResourceGroupName = “runaspackagecentralus”
$containerName = “mypackage”
# provide your website details
$websiteResourceGroupName = “runaspackagecentralus”
$slotName = “preprod”
$website1Names = “runaspackageeastus”, “runaspackagecentralus”
# set the package name to current datetime
$uploadPackageName = (Get-Date).ToString(“yyyyMMddHHmmss”)
Write-Host “New package name will be “$uploadPackageName”.zip”
Write-Host “trying to get storage…”
$storageAccount = Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
-Name $storageAccountName
Write-Host “trying to get storage context…”
$ctx = $storageAccount.Context
Write-Host “trying to upload to blob…”
$blobupload = Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File $zipFilePath `
-Container $containerName `
-Blob $uploadPackageName `
-Context $ctx
Write-Host “trying to get SAS URL…”
$sastokenURL = New-AzureStorageBlobSASToken -Container $containerName -Blob $uploadPackageName -Context $ctx -Permission rwdl -FullUri
foreach($website1Name in $website1Names )
Write-Host $website1Name
Write-Host “`t trying to get website…”
$webApp = Get-AzureRmWebAppSlot -ResourceGroupName $websiteResourceGroupName `
-Name $website1Name `
-Slot $slotName
Write-Host “`t trying to get appsettings…”
$currentAppSettings = $webApp.SiteConfig.AppSettings
$appsettings = @{}
ForEach ($kvp in $currentAppSettings) {
$appsettings[$kvp.Name] = $kvp.Value
# update package URL
$appsettings[‘WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE’] = “$sastokenURL”
Write-Host “`t trying to set appsetting…”
$setappSetting = Set-AzureRMWebAppSlot -ResourceGroupName $websiteResourceGroupName `
-Name $website1Name `
-AppSettings $appsettings `
-Slot $slotName `
$ans = Read-Host ‘Start slot swap with preview? (Y/N)’
if( $ans -eq ‘Y’ -OR $ans -eq ‘y’)
foreach($website1Name in $website1Names )
Write-Host $website1Name
Write-Host “`t trying to swap with preview…”
Switch-AzureRmWebAppSlot -ResourceGroupName $websiteResourceGroupName `
-Name $website1Name `
-SourceSlotName $slotName `
-DestinationSlotName production `
-SwapWithPreviewAction ApplySlotConfig
Write-Host “`t sending a test web request to slot website…”
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $webApp.HostNames[0]
write-host “`t test request status code is ” $response.StatusCode
Write-Host “`t test slot website now…http://”$webApp.HostNames[0]
$ans = Read-Host “`t Commit this swap? (Y/N)”
if( $ans -eq ‘Y’ -OR $ans -eq ‘y’)
Write-Host “`t`t Completing slot with preview swap…”
Switch-AzureRmWebAppSlot -ResourceGroupName $websiteResourceGroupName `
-Name $website1Name `
-SourceSlotName $slotName `
-DestinationSlotName production `
-SwapWithPreviewAction CompleteSlotSwap
Write-Host “`t`t Canceling slot with preview swap…”
Switch-AzureRmWebAppSlot -ResourceGroupName $websiteResourceGroupName `
-Name $website1Name `
-SourceSlotName $slotName `
-DestinationSlotName production `
-SwapWithPreviewAction ResetSlotSwap
Write-Host “DONE”
Here is screenshot of output of this above PowerShell script :
If there are any errors downloading the zip file from blob storage, you should see
in the
folder as shown below: