Oh oh! I’m running “out-of-properties” a.k.a. How can I extend my IoT Messages Enrichment limits?

“Message enrichments is the ability of an IoT hub to stamp messages with additional information before the messages are sent to the designated endpoint.” (Overview of Azure IoT Hub message enrichments | Microsoft Docs).Most of the time message enrichme… Continue reading Oh oh! I’m running “out-of-properties” a.k.a. How can I extend my IoT Messages Enrichment limits?

1,100 more colleges to get skilled up through Microsoft Learn for Educators

Today we welcome the Business Applications Academic Community (BAAC) to the Microsoft Learn for Educators (MSLE) program. Over the last 10+ years the BAAC has helped educators around the world integrate Microsoft Business Applications – Dynamics 365 an… Continue reading 1,100 more colleges to get skilled up through Microsoft Learn for Educators

Lesson Learned #213: Cannot set the AccessToken property if the Integrated Security has been set

Today, I worked on a service request where using SQLPackage and Azure Active Directory user our customer got the following error message “Error exporting database:Could not connect to database server. Cannot set the AccessToken property if the ‘In… Continue reading Lesson Learned #213: Cannot set the AccessToken property if the Integrated Security has been set