Viva Engage Explained: Email Digests

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Community Hub.

Email digests in Viva Engage drive reach, engagement, and discovery in your network. Understanding how each digest works is essential to getting the most value from Viva Engage.

Like the home feed, everyone’s digest is different. We use ranking algorithms and machine learning to personalize the content in your email. The resulting digests balance what's trending in your network with what you want to see from leaders and colleagues.

Available email digests in Viva Engage

The digests available to your employees based on your organization’s Viva Engage service plan.

Customers with access to Viva Engage through their Microsoft 365 license have two digests that help reach and engage employees:


Digest Subject Line Availability Frequency Content
Daily Updates from [community name] and other communities at [network name] Included with M365 Daily New content from communities and storylines in the last 24 hours
Discovery Discover what’s happening across your organization Included with M365 Weekly Trending community and storyline posts from across your network


Currently, as part of the Viva Suite licensing, we offer two new emails: the Viva Engage digest and the Answers digest.


Digest Subject Line Availability Frequency Content
Daily Updates from [community name] and other communities at [network name] Included with M365 Daily

New content from communities and storylines in the last 24 hours

Viva Engage Your Viva Engage digest Viva Suite and Communities and Communications   Weekly
  • Trending community and storyline posts from across your network
  • Onramps to Leadership Corner, campaigns, and other premium features
  • Personal analytics
Answers Can you answer these questions?


Requires Answers-related SKU (Knowledge or C&C service plan required)

  • Questions from within Answers in Viva that you may be able to answer

*The Answers digest is sent up to once per day if your network has questions that are relevant to your followed Topics or other activity. If no questions are relevant to you, you will not receive a digest.


When your network moves into the Communities and Communications or Viva suite service plan, we will stop delivery of the discovery digest and move employees to the Viva Engage digest automatically. Employees will see similar content between the two emails with emphasis on Viva Engage capabilities like analytics, campaigns, and more in the Viva Engage digest.


Email digests include names of people whose content is shared within the email. As a result, this may change the sender names with each edition. All digests have preset subject lines and message previews. If there’s no new content for you that day or week, we do not send a digest.



Personalized conversations and content in the digest

A variety of ranking criteria is used to ensure content in digests is relevant to the individual. This includes community membership, relationship with conversation starter or commenters, and more. Our dynamic approach to content inclusion ensures what’s in the message is new or interesting.

In the daily digest, discovery digest, and Viva Engage digests, we mix the sources across communities, storylines, and employees. You’ll get a snapshot of what’s happening across the network and broad visibility into what’s relevant to you. Within a digest, we will send a maximum of seven threads, ranked in order from most to least relevant.


VE Digest MVP - OWA (4).png

VE Digest MVP - OWA (5).png


We do not duplicate any content you've already seen in the Viva Engage app or other notifications. However, if there are new and unseen comments, we may send the same conversation to ensure that you receive the latest replies or comments.


React and reply directly from email digests


All our email digests in Viva Engage offer interactive engagement features. Employees can react and comment directly within the email. Photos and videos are shown in the email digests for employees to view within the message or jump to the post in the browser. 



Manage digests subscription


If employees need to make changes to the delivery of digests, they can manage subscriptions from within their Viva Engage user settings. Employees can also unsubscribe from the bottom of any digest emails. All employees are automatically subscribed to digests and must manage their own subscriptions. Admins cannot turn off a digest network-wide.



Digest FAQs


What other email notifications will my employees receive?


Viva Engage sends a variety of interactive email notifications, based on employees’ activity. Common notifications include comments/replies on their posts, new storyline posts from people they follow, and announcements from their leaders or communities.



We are doing a trial of Viva Engage and Answers in Viva, will the organization see the Viva Engage or Answers digests?


Yes. If the service plan is enabled, employees will receive the associated digests. We include digests in trials to help with adoption and thorough review of these new capabilities.

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