Introduction to new advance API features in Viva Connections Card Designer

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Community Hub.


Microsoft Viva Connections is your gateway to a modern employee experience and is designed to keep employees engaged and informed. Viva Connection provides an option to build personalized experiences in the form of a dashboard where the commonly used tools and applications are exposed for the users.


We are excited announce the availability of new advance API features within the Viva Connections Card designer, which will enable dashboard editors to build API powered cards without code. This release is a first phase on a series of upcoming updates to empower dashboard designers to build engaging API powered experiences without code. 


Here's a step-by-step video showing how to get started and how to build your first no-code card powered by Microsoft Graph.



This is the first release of this experience, and we are looking into improving the card designer experience even further within upcoming releases. In the next phase, the experience will have more advance preview and editing experiences as shown in the following picture. These updates are scheduled to be released within early 2024.





Here are the main resources currently available around the Viva Connection dashboard and the card designer extensibility.



Frequently asked questions


Q: How to enable these advance features in my environment?

A: You will need to specifically enable the feature using SharePoint Online PowerShell - please see the documentation or the guidance video for the specific steps.


Q: Can the Card designer hit any APIs as needed?

A: Yes and no. This is controlled using the permissions granted for the Card designer in the Microsoft Entra admin center. Administrator in the tenant can control which APIs are available for the Card designer feature.


Q: Can I surface information from my custom APIs?

A: No. Currently the feature supports Microsoft Graph and SharePoint Online APIs. You cannot currently use custom APIs.


Q: Can an administrator disable the cards after they've been created

A: Yes. Whenever you create API powered Card designer instance, a SharePoint solution package is created to the app catalog. Administrators can disable the card directly from the SharePoint app catalog.


Q: Is there a license requirement for this feature?

A: No. This feature is currently available by default without any license requirements.



Let us know what you think. Your feedback is more than welcome 🧡



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