New on Azure Marketplace: February 1-7, 2024

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We continue to expand the Azure Marketplace ecosystem. For this volume, 173 new offers successfully met the onboarding criteria and went live. See details of the new offers below:

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Abstra Workflows: Abstra is an open-source Python library and platform that allows users to build custom business automation workflows. It combines automatic and manual steps using scripts, webhooks, dynamic forms, database connections, and API integrations. Abstra offers enterprise features like fully auditable logs, built-in access control, and SSO support.
ADDU: Botnomics offers a smart framework for IT automation that reduces incidents, streamlines operations, and increases value. It provides out-of-the-box automations, self-healing remediation, and self-service capabilities. The platform integrates with ITSM and ServiceNow, and offers non-invasive remote troubleshooting. It is suitable for small and medium businesses, large enterprises, and OEMs.
Advocat AI (per company): Advocat AI simplifies legal document management for startups and small to mid-market businesses. It allows users to upload, create, negotiate, e-sign, store, analyze, and track legal documents. The platform offers AI summaries of documents and real-time negotiating insights. Users can also ask questions about their legal documents and compare them to others.
Advocat AI (per user): Advocat AI simplifies legal document management for startups and small to midsize businesses. It allows users to upload, create, negotiate, e-sign, store, analyze, and track legal documents. The platform offers AI summaries of documents and real-time negotiating insights. Users can also ask questions about their legal documents and compare them to others.
Annex Cloud Loyalty Experience Platform: Annex Cloud offers a highly configurable SaaS loyalty program management platform that motivates customer behavior across the entire customer journey. It allows for collecting unlimited zero- and first-party attributes, delivering meaningful experiences, and encouraging social media sharing. Gain new customers, increase customer lifetime value, perform basket analysis, and reduce churn.
Ansible on Debian 11 "Bullseye" Server: This offer from Home & Office Improvements integrates Ansible's automation capabilities with Debian 11 Bullseye's stability and reliability. It simplifies Microsoft Azure integration and optimizes server resources. Ansible requires no additional software installations on remote machines. Home & Office Improvements offers easy installation and Azure support.
Ansible on Debian 12 Server: This offer from Home & Office Improvements integrates Ansible's automation capabilities with Debian 12 for managing software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. It's open-source, easy to use, and efficient, requiring no additional software installations on remote machines. Home & Office Improvements offers easy installation and Microsoft Azure support, with around-the-clock assistance from Azure experts.
Ansible on Ubuntu 20.04 Server LTS: This offer from Home & Office Improvements integrates Ansible's automation with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for managing software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. It's open-source, easy to use, flexible, and efficient. Home & Office Improvements offers a custom-built image for easy deployment on Microsoft Azure, with always-available support.
Ansible on Ubuntu 22.04 Server LTS: This offer from Home & Office Improvements combines Ansible's automation capabilities with Ubuntu's stability for managing software provisioning, configuration, and application deployment. It's open-source, easy to use, and requires no additional software installations on remote machines. Home & Office does not offer commercial licenses for any mentioned products. All products come with open-source licenses.
Aridhia Trusted Research Environment (TRE): Aridhia TRE is a SaaS Trusted Research Environment that enables secure, auditable, and reproducible research with role-based access control for collaborators. It offers comprehensive biomedical analytics functions, data analysis tooling, and security features such as multi-factor authentication and extensive activity reporting. The managed service operates to certifications, including ISO27001, HITRUST, and NHS Digital Security and Protection Toolkit.
Azure Enterprise Scale Landing Zone: The Enterprise Scale Landing Zone simplifies Microsoft Azure Cloud adoption by providing pre-configured standards and best practices for Landing Zone provisioning. It's designed to help businesses scale their operations quickly and efficiently. Listing page includes outline of the necessary steps for enrolling the BUI Security Assessment tool into an Azure Tenant.  
BluVault for Server Backup - SaaS: Parablu engineers new-age cloud data protection solutions for digital enterprises. BluVault is a secure cloud-based backup solution for Microsoft Windows servers. It encrypts data, ensuring it is safe in transit and at rest, and allows flexibility in choosing cloud storage providers for optimized costs and zero lock-ins.  
Cassandra on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: This offer from Apps4Rent is a distributed NoSQL database system for managing large amounts of data across multiple nodes without a single point of failure. It's pre-configured on Microsoft Azure, providing a consistent environment and seamless integration with other Azure services. The decentralized nature of Cassandra allows for easy horizontal scaling, and it is supported by Azure experts.
Cassandra on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: This offer from Apps4Rent is a distributed NoSQL database system for managing large amounts of data across multiple nodes without a single point of failure. It's pre-configured on Microsoft Azure, allowing for easy scalability and integration with other Azure services. The decentralized nature of Cassandra enables horizontal scaling by adding more nodes to the cluster. 
Cognigy.AI Americas: Cognigy offers AI Agents for customer service, with multilingual support, integration with enterprise systems, and real-time assistance for human agents. It improves CSAT by 30%, reduces AHT by 15%, and has a 99.5% faster response time. The platform has natural voice and text dialogues, 25-plus channel connectors, and prebuilt integrations. It is available as SaaS or on-premises, with conversational analytics and compliance certifications.
CommuteSaver: CommuteSaver is an AI-based mobile app that tracks and reports CO2 emissions for corporate commuting and business travel. It detects the user's transport mode and provides data-based recommendations to reduce emissions and costs. The app includes scoreboards and incentives for employees to reduce CO2 emissions.
ContractMatrix: ContractMatrix streamlines contract drafting, review, and analysis with generative AI-assisted interrogation and drafting. It provides real-time access to gold-standard precedents and policies, inbuilt risk management, and governance designed by Allen & Overy lawyers. The platform saves time, cost, and risk, allowing lawyers to focus on smart, fast decision-making.
ControlDoc ECM/BPM/SGDEA: ControlDoc is a comprehensive electronic document management system that follows archival principles and is available as a SaaS solution. It includes modules for communication, document management, and archive management, with features such as a dashboard, alarms, and indicators. It supports accessibility standards, portability, and multiple languages, and can be implemented on Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X. 
Debian 10 with NginX Web Server: NginX is a free, open-source web server software that can also function as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and HTTP cache. It outperforms Apache in serving static files and has a modular architecture for easy feature customization. This package from Virtual Pulse is pre-configured and cloud-hardened for optimal results.
Debian 11 with NginX Web Server: NginX is a free, open-source web server software that can also function as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and HTTP cache. It outperforms Apache in serving static files and has a modular architecture for easy feature customization. This package from Virtual Pulse is pre-configured and cloud-hardened for optimal results.
Exclaimer: Exclaimer is an email signature management solution that allows users to design and manage professional email signatures for all emails. It offers automation and efficiency, reduces IT workload, and fosters collaboration with multiple user logins. The product features automatic signature addition, signature design software, and the ability to assign different signature templates for individual users or departments. Cloud Marketplace Platform: is a no-code platform that simplifies the process of listing and selling solutions on any cloud marketplace. It's user-friendly and requires no extensive coding knowledge.
Firefly: Firefly's Cloud Asset Management solution helps teams manage their entire cloud footprint across multi-cloud, multi-accounts, and Kubernetes deployments. It enables DevOps to quickly ramp infrastructure as code and deploy cloud infrastructure safely within organizational policies.
Flask, Requests, and Jinja2 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: Jinja is a fast, flexible, and extensible templating engine for Python used to generate text-based output. Flask is a lightweight Python web framework with built-in support for routing, templating, and error handling. Requests is an open-source Python library that simplifies making HTTP requests. Apps4Rent offers deployment of Flask, Requests, and Jinja2 on Microsoft Azure.
Flask, Requests, and Jinja2 on Windows Server 2019: Jinja, Flask, and Requests are open-source Python libraries used for web development. Jinja is a fast and flexible templating engine, Flask is a lightweight web framework with built-in support for routing and error handling, and Requests simplifies making HTTP requests. Apps4Rent offers deployment of these libraries on Microsoft Azure with around-the-clock support.
Flask and Jinja2 on Windows Server 2019: Jinja is a fast and flexible templating engine for Python that can generate any text-based output. Flask is a lightweight Python web framework with built-in support for routing, templating, and error handling. Both are open source and easily extensible. Apps4Rent offers deployment of Flask and Jinja2 on Microsoft Azure with always-available support.
Footprints AI for Automotive Industry: Footprints AI enhances profitability and performance for car manufacturers and dealerships by utilizing in-depth customer behavior data. It can launch an innovative omnichannel retail media offering in just three months and elevate conversion rates, indoor traffic, and sales with the power of AI and location data analysis, all while identifying new growth opportunities.
Footprints for Commercial Properties: Footprints AI enhances profitability and growth of commercial properties by utilizing data on customer behavior within physical store environments. It collects customer behavior data using indoor positioning, predictive models, and omnichannel targeting, and processes it using machine learning algorithms to create behavioral clusters and predictions for individual shoppers. 
Footprints for Retail Media: Footprints AI helps retailers monetize their customer data by transforming anonymous shoppers into predictive media audiences. It offers premium retail media services across in-store, on-site, and off-site channels, generating 10 times more profits in three months or less. The platform uses AI-generated customer insights, including psychographic and socio-demographic profiling, to predict and influence omnichannel purchase behaviors.
GeoPandas on Ubuntu 20.04: GeoPandas simplifies spatial data analysis in Python by combining the capabilities of pandas and shapely, providing geospatial operations in pandas and a high-level interface to multiple geometries to shapely. It lets you easily perform powerful spatial operations and boost your geospatial analysis workflow. This package from Apps4Rent removes the complexities in integration to Microsoft Azure, with easy installation and support by Azure experts.
GeoPandas on Debian 11: GeoPandas simplifies spatial data analysis in Python by combining the capabilities of pandas and shapely, providing geospatial operations in pandas and a high-level interface to multiple geometries to shapely. It lets you easily perform powerful spatial operations and boost your geospatial analysis workflow. This package from Apps4Rent removes the complexities in integration to Microsoft Azure, with easy installation and support by Azure experts.
GeoPandas on Ubuntu 20.04: GeoPandas simplifies spatial data analysis in Python by combining the capabilities of pandas and shapely, providing geospatial operations in pandas and a high-level interface to multiple geometries to shapely. It lets you easily perform powerful spatial operations and boost your geospatial analysis workflow. This package from Apps4Rent removes the complexities in integration to Microsoft Azure, with easy installation and support by Azure experts.
GIMP On Debian11: GIMP is a free and open-source raster graphics editor that can be used for image manipulation, editing, drawing, transcoding, and more. This image is pre-configured with all the software you need to get started with development on Microsoft Azure. It provides a consistent environment across different Azure compute resources and supports many image formats on Debian 11. Apps4Rent helps you to use GIMP on Azure with double security verification and around-the-clock support. 
GIMP On Oracle Linux: GIMP is a free and open-source raster graphics editor that can be used for image manipulation, editing, drawing, transcoding, and more. This image is pre-configured with all the software you need to get started with development on Microsoft Azure. It provides a consistent environment across different Azure compute resources and supports many image formats on Oracle Linux. Apps4Rent helps you to use GIMP on Azure with double security verification and around-the-clock support. 
GIMP On Red Hat Enterprise Linux: GIMP is a free and open-source raster graphics editor that can be used for image manipulation, editing, drawing, transcoding, and more. This image is pre-configured with all the software you need to get started with development on Microsoft Azure. It provides a consistent environment across different Azure compute resources and supports many image formats on Oracle Linux. Apps4Rent helps you to use GIMP on Azure with double security verification and around-the-clock support. 
GlassFish 7 on Ubuntu 22.04: Eclipse GlassFish on Ubuntu 22.04 is a complete application server that implements the Jakarta EE specification. It includes all required and optional Jakarta EE APIs, a complete administration console, clustering support, and other developer and production focused tools and features. Ntegral offers up-to-date, secure, and industry-standard packages with no contract needed.
GLPI: GLPI is an open-source ITSM and asset management software that streamlines and optimizes IT operations. It offers a user-friendly interface for managing IT assets, tracking inventory, handling support requests, and implementing ITIL methodologies. GLPI allows for centralized management of IT assets, includes a robust ticketing system, assists in tracking the entire lifecycle of assets, and provides functionalities to optimize IT services.
GnuCash on Debian 11: Apps4Rent offers GnuCash, a free, user-friendly accounting software that tracks bank accounts, income, stocks, expenditures, and more. It follows professional accounting principles and offers customization options, scheduled transactions, and multiple currency support. It also has an Android application and works on mobile operating systems.
GnuCash on Oracle Linux: Apps4Rent offers GnuCash, a free, user-friendly accounting software that tracks bank accounts, income, stocks, expenditures, and more. It follows professional accounting principles and offers customization options, scheduled transactions, and multiple currency support. It also has an Android application and works on mobile operating systems.
GnuCash on Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Apps4Rent offers GnuCash, a free, user-friendly accounting software that tracks bank accounts, income, stocks, expenditures, and more. It follows professional accounting principles and offers customization options, scheduled transactions, and multiple currency support. It also has an Android application and works on mobile operating systems.
GnuCash on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: Apps4Rent offers GnuCash, a free, user-friendly accounting software that tracks bank accounts, income, stocks, expenditures, and more. It follows professional accounting principles and offers customization options, scheduled transactions, and multiple currency support. It also has an Android application and works on mobile operating systems.
GnuCash on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: Apps4Rent offers GnuCash, a free, user-friendly accounting software that tracks bank accounts, income, stocks, expenditures, and more. It follows professional accounting principles and offers customization options, scheduled transactions, and multiple currency support. It also has an Android application and works on mobile operating systems.
Golang: ATH Infosystems offers Golang, a programming language developed by Google that emphasizes simplicity, efficiency, and concurrent programming. It has a clean syntax, high performance, built-in support for concurrency, and a strong standard library. Static typing helps catch errors early for code reliability.
Gradio and Streamlit on Debian 11: Gradio and Streamlit are open-source Python libraries that allow easy creation of user interfaces for machine learning models and web applications. This pre-configured image on Debian 11 can be used to develop and deploy data science applications on Microsoft Azure. Apps4Rent offers easy installation and support by Azure experts.
Gradio and Streamlit on Ubuntu 20.04: Gradio and Streamlit are open-source Python libraries that allow easy creation of user interfaces for machine learning models and web applications. This pre-configured image on Ubuntu 20.04 can be used to develop and deploy data science applications on Microsoft Azure. Apps4Rent offers easy installation and support by Azure experts.
Gradio and Streamlit on Ubuntu 22.04: Gradio and Streamlit are open-source Python libraries that allow easy creation of user interfaces for machine learning models and web applications. This pre-configured image on Ubuntu 20.04 can be used to develop and deploy data science applications on Microsoft Azure. Apps4Rent offers easy installation and support by Azure experts.
Greenomy Company Portal: Greenomy is a multi-framework ESG reporting solution that centralizes the collection, analysis, and reporting of ESG data. It offers AI-powered features that save time and cost while ensuring compliance with the latest regulations. The platform helps improve ESG performance by identifying improvements and tracking progress over time.
Haskell on Debian 11: Apps4Rent offers a pre-configured image for Haskell programming on Microsoft Azure, providing a consistent environment across different compute resources. Experts provide around-the-clock support. Key features include faster deployments, calendar and task management, and chat integration.
Haskell on Oracle Linux 8.8: Apps4Rent offers a pre-configured image for Haskell programming on Microsoft Azure, providing a consistent environment across different compute resources. Experts provide around-the-clock support. Key features include faster deployments, calendar and task management, and chat integration.
Haskell on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7: Apps4Rent offers a pre-configured image for Haskell programming on Microsoft Azure, providing a consistent environment across different compute resources. Experts provide around-the-clock support. Key features include faster deployments, calendar and task management, and chat integration.
Haskell on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: Apps4Rent offers a pre-configured image for Haskell programming on Microsoft Azure, providing a consistent environment across different compute resources. Experts provide around-the-clock support. Key features include faster deployments, calendar and task management, and chat integration.
Haskell on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: Apps4Rent offers a pre-configured image for Haskell programming on Microsoft Azure, providing a consistent environment across different compute resources. Experts provide around-the-clock support. Key features include faster deployments, calendar and task management, and chat integration.
HDAP for ARM Template: This platform from HTC Global Services is hosted on Microsoft Azure, providing customers with a secure and seamless connection to WellStack for data integration and analytics. The platform ensures reliability and scalability for customer data processing needs, and the user-friendly interface makes it easy to harness HDAP's analytics features.
HyperNET Sustainable Solution: Use IoT technology to fight climate change by monitoring emissions, tracking sustainability progress, promoting energy-efficient upgrades, and navigating toward carbon neutrality. This solution from HyperNym leverages data insights and advanced analytics to drive substantial reductions in environmental impact, resulting in environmental stewardship, operational efficiency, and brand trust.
apps.30989.747de802-6e19-40d1-ba2d-699192ece1cd.941a2f46-7940-46f5-943b-cae24eb6183d.png HyperNym Fleet Management System: This fleet management system uses sensors and connected devices to gather data on vehicle location, performance, and maintenance. It provides real-time insights on fuel consumption, driver behavior, and vehicle utilization, allowing fleet managers to optimize routes and schedules. The system also increases safety for drivers and vehicles by monitoring driver behavior and detecting maintenance issues. 
HyperNym Sustainable Platform: HyperNym utilizes IoT technology to fight climate change by monitoring emissions, tracking sustainability progress, promoting energy-efficient upgrades, and navigating toward carbon neutrality. This approach involves leveraging data insights and advanced analytics to drive substantial reductions in environmental impact, resulting in environmental stewardship, operational efficiency, and brand trust.
IBLook for Microsoft Teams: Available in Japanese, IBLook for Microsoft Teams is an app that displays team members' presence and status, allowing for easy tracking of their location and work status. It offers features such as status management, message memo registration, comment registration, and integration with Microsoft Teams.
InfluxDB Server on Debian 10: Art Group offers InfluxDB Server on Debian 10, a scalable solution for handling and analyzing time-series data. With its powerful query language, InfluxQL, you can extract valuable insights from your data effortlessly. Collaboration is seamless with integrations with popular visualization tools like Grafana. Art Group packages images according to industry standards, ensuring they are always up to date, reliable, and secure.
apps.52654.88716da2-9a39-472e-a952-e1272faf78d6.6753f0f6-8f1b-4f8f-a836-b156daad5344.jpg InfluxDB Server on Debian 11: Art Group offers InfluxDB Server on Debian 10, a scalable solution for handling and analyzing time-series data. With its powerful query language, InfluxQL, you can extract valuable insights from your data effortlessly. Collaboration is seamless with integrations with popular visualization tools such as Grafana. Art Group packages images according to industry standards, ensuring they are always up to date, reliable, and secure.
InfluxDB Server on Ubuntu 18.04: Art Group offers InfluxDB Server on Debian 10, a scalable solution for handling and analyzing time-series data. With its powerful query language, InfluxQL, you can extract valuable insights from your data effortlessly. Collaboration is seamless with integrations with popular visualization tools such as Grafana. Art Group packages images according to industry standards, ensuring they are always up to date, reliable, and secure.
InfluxDB Server on Ubuntu 20.04: Art Group offers InfluxDB Server on Debian 10, a scalable solution for handling and analyzing time-series data. With its powerful query language, InfluxQL, you can extract valuable insights from your data effortlessly. Collaboration is seamless with integrations with popular visualization tools such as Grafana. Art Group packages images according to industry standards, ensuring they are always up to date, reliable, and secure.
InfluxDB Server on Ubuntu 22.04: Art Group offers InfluxDB Server on Debian 10, a scalable solution for handling and analyzing time-series data. With its powerful query language, InfluxQL, you can extract valuable insights from your data effortlessly. Collaboration is seamless with integrations with popular visualization tools such as Grafana. Art Group packages images according to industry standards, ensuring they are always up to date, reliable, and secure.
Jurisprudence GPT: Jurisprudence GPT is an AI tool for Brazilian law, trained on public documents from Brazilian courts. It allows for easy and natural language-based searches of legal precedents. This offer is only available in Portuguese.
Krita on Debian 11: Apps4Rent offers Krita, a digital painting software designed for artists, illustrators, and designers. It contains a powerful brush engine, vector tools, layer support, and various filters and effects. Krita is an affordable art tool for creating digital artwork, illustrations, comics, and more. 
Krita on Oracle Linux: Apps4Rent offers Krita, a digital painting software designed for artists, illustrators, and designers. It contains a powerful brush engine, vector tools, layer support, and various filters and effects. Krita is an affordable art tool for creating digital artwork, illustrations, comics, and more. 
Krita on Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Apps4Rent offers Krita, a digital painting software designed for artists, illustrators, and designers. It contains a powerful brush engine, vector tools, layer support, and various filters and effects. Krita is an affordable art tool for creating digital artwork, illustrations, comics, and more. 
Krita on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: Apps4Rent offers Krita, a digital painting software designed for artists, illustrators, and designers. It contains a powerful brush engine, vector tools, layer support, and various filters and effects. Krita is an affordable art tool for creating digital artwork, illustrations, comics, and more. 
Krita on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: Apps4Rent offers Krita, a digital painting software designed for artists, illustrators, and designers. It contains a powerful brush engine, vector tools, layer support, and various filters and effects. Krita is an affordable art tool for creating digital artwork, illustrations, comics, and more. 
Krita on Windows 10 Pro: Apps4Rent offers Krita, a digital painting software designed for artists, illustrators, and designers. It contains a powerful brush engine, vector tools, layer support, and various filters and effects. Krita is an affordable art tool for creating digital artwork, illustrations, comics, and more. 
Krita on Windows 11 Pro: Apps4Rent offers Krita, a digital painting software designed for artists, illustrators, and designers. It contains a powerful brush engine, vector tools, layer support, and various filters and effects. Krita is an affordable art tool for creating digital artwork, illustrations, comics, and more. 
apps.33565.5baf70d3-ea37-47f4-a9f7-3920c110d34b.5391352f-f087-4e7c-9561-860aba30bbbb.png LEMP (stack) on Ubuntu 22.04 Server LTS: Home & Office Improvements Ltd. offers the LEMP platform, a pre-configured and optimized solution for web hosting and application deployment. The LEMP stack integrates Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP, providing a solid foundation for deploying a wide array of web applications. The platform is expertly designed to scale seamlessly from personal blogs to enterprise-level business sites, ensuring performance, scalability, and security.
Managed Emergency Recovery Environment: This Microsoft Azure-based solution from glueckkanja AG creates and hosts a reliable recovery environment for Active Directory and Azure Active Directory, protecting critical business services from ransomware attacks. It includes an automated collaboration platform and regular fire testing. The environment is built with infrastructure as code and is scalable, offering a cost-effective solution for business continuity needs.
Managed Foundation for AVD: The Foundation for Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop from glueckkanja AG is a secure and scalable solution for building virtual desktop environments. It uses infrastructure as code and is integrated with Azure Active Directory and Intune. The solution's DevOps approach ensures automated and regulated changes to the environment. RealmJoin software deployment and Intune automations are also available.
MERN (stack) on Ubuntu 22.04 Server LTS: The MERN stack by Home & Office Improvements Ltd. is a comprehensive solution for developing and deploying dynamic web applications. It offers versatility, efficiency, and innovation, making it ideal for startups, enterprises, educational platforms, and e-commerce sites. The platform includes server-side rendering, microservices architecture, GraphQL, and performance optimization. 
MindBridge: MindBridge helps organizations manage and extract insights from their data. It enhances document intelligence, enterprise search, and knowledge mining processes. MindBridge addresses the need for efficient data navigation and offers a user-friendly interface for accessing, analyzing, and making informed decisions based on accurate, up-to-date information.
NLTK with TensorFlow and Text2vec on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7: This package from Apps4Rent is a pre-configured environment for natural language processing and AI on Microsoft Azure. It provides a consistent environment across different Azure compute resources and is easy to use. Apps4Rent offers expert support for deployment and integration with Azure. 
NTW: OC2P - Add-ons and Tailor-Made Development: This service from NTW offers bespoke software solutions that are customized to fit specific business requirements. The team of skilled developers works closely with clients to ensure the final product exceeds expectations and seamlessly integrates with current systems. The service employs the latest technologies and provides comprehensive support and maintenance.
NTW: OC2P - Support: NTW's support service offers around-the-clock assistance for technical issues, software usage, and system updates. It prioritizes customer needs and provides proactive support through regular audits and tailored advice. The service is scalable and adaptable to evolving business needs.
Numba on Debian 11: Numba speeds up Python applications by compiling selected portions of code to native code using the LLVM compiler. It works at the function level and generates optimized machine code on the fly. Apps4Rent offers a ready-to-go package with support from Microsoft Azure experts.
Numba on Ubuntu 20.04: Numba speeds up Python applications by compiling selected portions of code to native code using the LLVM compiler. It works at the function level and generates optimized machine code on the fly. Apps4Rent offers a ready-to-go package with support from Microsoft Azure experts.
Numba on Ubuntu 22.04: Numba speeds up Python applications by compiling selected portions of code to native code using the LLVM compiler. It works at the function level and generates optimized machine code on the fly. Apps4Rent offers a ready-to-go package with support from Microsoft Azure experts.
Nuvepro Cloud Labs: Hands-on labs from Nuvepro allow users to create and practice labs quickly, complementing theoretical knowledge with real-world learning. It aims to be a platform for hands-on learning, experimentation, and training delivery by connecting trainers with learners.
Octopus Deploy Cloud Solution v2: Octopus Deploy automates complex deployments for modern containers, microservices, and legacy applications across data centers, multi-cloud, and hybrid IT infrastructure. It breaks down dev and ops silos, ensures deployment consistency, and supports multiple technology stacks. Octopus offers various pricing plans and DevOps insights. 
OpenSUSE 15.5 "Leap" Desktop GNOME VM: Home & Office Improvements (HOI) uses openSUSE Leap 15.5, a stable and secure Linux distribution with both KDE and GNOME desktops. HOI has customized it to integrate with its operations and branding, and offers a one-click installation process for clients. This balance of security and accessibility makes it an ideal choice for HOI's diverse range of projects and clients.
Private Offer for VM Series Stack Edge: The VM-Series next-gen firewall on Microsoft Azure Stack Edge from Palo Alto Networks provides 5G security for network functions and enterprise apps. It supports native Azure Edge deployment with full automation features.
Rancher: Rancher from ATH Infosystems simplifies containerized app deployment and management with a user-friendly interface. It supports multiple container orchestration frameworks and facilitates app deployment using catalogs. Rancher facilitates deployment of applications using catalogs, so you can quickly adopt and launch pre-configured stacks and services.
Rapid Platform - Developer: Rapid solves the problem of IT systems falling behind a business with cutting-edge, user-driven customization. Automate your business admin with a scalable system that doesn't require per user licensing. Take your team to the next level with this enterprise solution.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7 Generation 2 with Support by Rinne Labs: This image is a secure and stable platform for web servers, development environments, test environments, and thin clients. It is built from the official Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7 ISO image, stripped down to include only essential packages for optimal performance. The image is updated with the latest security patches and updates, and is ideal for applications that demand rapid deployment, efficient resource utilization, and uncompromising security.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 EUS Generation 2 with Support by Rinne Labs: This lightweight and secure image reduces storage requirements and optimizes system responsiveness. It's updated with the latest security patches and updates, making it ideal for web servers, development environments, test environments, and thin clients. No Red Hat subscription is needed, and it benefits from the Extended Update Service.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 EUS Generation 2 with Support by Rinne Labs: This lightweight and secure image reduces storage requirements and optimizes system responsiveness. It's updated with the latest security patches and updates, making it ideal for web servers, development environments, test environments, and thin clients. No Red Hat Subscription is needed, and it benefits from the Extended Update Service.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 EUS Generation 2 with Support by Rinne Labs: This image is a secure and stable platform for web servers, development environments, test environments, and thin clients. It is built from the official Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 ISO image, updated with the latest security patches and updates, and requires no RHEL subscription. The image is minimal in size for faster boot times and reduced resource consumption, making it ideal for rapid deployment of web applications and efficient development and testing environments.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0 for SAP Solutions: ProComputers offers a minimal ready-to-use Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.0 Gold Image version locked to RHEL 9.0 minor version with Update Services for SAP Solutions (E4S). It includes Microsoft Azure Linux Agent, cloud-init, and SELinux, and is designed for a stable production environment. No RHEL9 subscription is required, and it supports Accelerated Networking. 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7 Generation 2 with Support by Rinne Labs: This image is a secure and stable platform for web servers, development environments, test environments, and thin clients. It's built from the official Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7 ISO image, stripped down to include only essential packages for optimal performance. The image is updated with the latest security patches and updates, and is ideal for applications that demand rapid deployment, efficient resource utilization, and uncompromising security.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 EUS Generation 2 with Support by Rinne Labs: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Minimal Image is a lightweight and secure image that reduces storage requirements and optimizes system responsiveness. It's updated with the latest security patches and updates, making it ideal for web servers, development environments, test environments, and thin clients. No Red Hat Subscription is needed, and it benefits from the Extended Update Service.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 EUS Generation 2 with Support by Rinne Labs: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 Minimal Image is a lightweight and secure image that reduces storage requirements and optimizes system responsiveness. It's updated with the latest security patches and updates, making it ideal for web servers, development environments, test environments, and thin clients. No Red Hat Subscription is needed, and it benefits from the Extended Update Service.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0 for SAP Solutions (E4S) Packaged by ProComputers: ProComputers offers a minimal ready-to-use Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9.0 Gold Image version locked to RHEL 9.0 minor version with Update Services for SAP Solutions (E4S). It includes Azure Linux Agent, cloud-init, and SELinux, and is pay as you go with no upfront cost. 
Scrcpy on Debian 11: Scrcpy is an open-source Android screen mirroring tool for Linux, providing low-latency mirroring and control from the command line. This image is pre-configured with Scrcpy on Debian 11 and offers seamless integration with other Microsoft Azure services and efficient resource utilization. It's cost-effective and ideal for presentations, app testing, or immersive content viewing on Linux.
Scrcpy on Oracle Linux: Scrcpy is an open-source Android screen mirroring tool for Linux, providing low-latency mirroring and control from the command line. This image is pre-configured with Scrcpy on Oracle Linux and offers efficient resource utilization and seamless integration with other Azure services. It's cost-effective and ideal for presentations, app testing, or immersive content viewing on Linux.
Scrcpy on Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Scrcpy is an open-source Android screen mirroring tool for Linux, providing low-latency mirroring and control from the command line. This image is pre-configured with Scrcpy on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and seamlessly integrated on Microsoft Azure. It's cost-effective and excels in delivering a crisp and clear representation of the Android screen.
Scrcpy on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: Scrcpy is an open-source Android screen mirroring tool for Linux, providing low-latency mirroring and control from the command line. This image is pre-configured with Scrcpy on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and offers seamless integration with other Microsoft Azure services. Scrcpy excels in delivering a crisp and clear representation of the Android screen, making it an ideal choice for presentations, app testing, or immersive content viewing on Linux.
Scrcpy on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: Scrcpy is an open-source Android screen mirroring tool for Linux, providing low-latency mirroring and control from the command line. This image is pre-configured with Scrcpy on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and offers seamless integration with other Microsoft Azure services. Scrcpy excels in delivering a crisp and clear representation of the Android screen, making it an ideal choice for presentations, app testing, or immersive content viewing on Linux.
Skypoint AI Platform for Long-Term Care (LTC): Skypoint's AI platform unifies data sources into a data lakehouse, allowing users to chat with internal or external industry data using conversational language. The platform offers a generative AI copilot, business intelligence and reporting, data unification, task/process automation, and privacy compliance. 
SmartDX: SmartDX offers a solution for tracking and identifying individual audience members across channels and platforms. It allows for contextual omnichannel interactions and end-to-end attribution, with a focus on conversion-focused customer experiences in real time. The platform also provides a comprehensive snapshot of campaign results and marketing ROI.
Tawasol v.2.6.0: This management system from EBLA Computer Consultancy is a comprehensive solution for managing organizational correspondence. It features a centralized communication hub, automated workflow management, document management integration, compliance and reporting tools, customizable templates, and seamless system integration. 
Thunderbird on Debian 11: Apps4Rent offers a pre-configured image of Mozilla Thunderbird on Linux for Microsoft Azure, making it easy to deploy and develop. The image includes all necessary software and provides a consistent environment across different Azure compute resources. Azure experts are available around the clock for support. Thunderbird features include chat integration, calendar and task management, and structured programming.
Thunderbird on Oracle Linux 8.8: Apps4Rent offers a pre-configured image of Mozilla Thunderbird on Linux for Microsoft Azure, making it easy to deploy and develop. The image includes all necessary software and provides a consistent environment across different Azure compute resources. Azure experts are available around the clock for support. Thunderbird features include chat integration, calendar and task management, and structured programming.
Thunderbird on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.7: Apps4Rent offers a pre-configured image of Mozilla Thunderbird on Linux for Microsoft Azure, making it easy to deploy and develop. The image includes all necessary software and provides a consistent environment across different Azure compute resources. Azure experts are available around the clock for support. Thunderbird features include chat integration, calendar and task management, and structured programming.
Thunderbird on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS: Apps4Rent offers a pre-configured image of Mozilla Thunderbird on Linux for Microsoft Azure, making it easy to deploy and develop. The image includes all necessary software and provides a consistent environment across different Azure compute resources. Azure experts are available around the clock for support. Thunderbird features include chat integration, calendar and task management, and structured programming.
Thunderbird on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: Apps4Rent offers a pre-configured image of Mozilla Thunderbird on Linux for Microsoft Azure, making it easy to deploy and develop. The image includes all necessary software and provides a consistent environment across different Azure compute resources. Azure experts are available around the clock for support. Thunderbird features include chat integration, calendar and task management, and structured programming.
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with NginX Web Server: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with NginX Web Server is a scalable, event-driven web server software that can handle over 10,000 simultaneous connections with a low memory footprint. It offers features such as reverse proxy, load balancing, TLS/SSL support, and IPv6 compatibility. Virtual Pulse provides a pre-tested and optimized version for Microsoft Azure.
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with NginX Web Server: NginX is a free and open-source web server that can also function as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and HTTP cache. It is known for its ability to handle a large number of simultaneous connections efficiently, making it a popular choice for high-traffic websites and web applications. Virtual Pulse offers a pre-configured image for use in Microsoft Azure environments.
Voluptuaria: YrQR Support: Introducing a specialized support service for businesses using dynamic QR codes. Voluptuaria offers technical assistance, customization guidance, and integration support. It also proactively explores innovative ways to use QR codes, provide training sessions, and ensure reliable system performance. Make every scan a seamless gateway to your digital offerings. - Livestream Media Services at Scale (Closed Beta): is a video streaming platform built on Harmonic's VOS solutions and Microsoft Azure. It offers live streaming, transcoding, and content protection with PlayReady, Widevine, and FairPlay DRM systems. The platform has integrated analytics, automatic scalability, and supports multi-channel, multi-language audio, HDR video, and SRT. 
WeTransact Custom: simplifies the process of listing on marketplaces by handling technical aspects and maintenance. It enables quick publishing in days, not months, and complies with GDPR. 
WOOPI AI Platform: Available in Portuguese, WOOPI AI simplifies document analysis by extracting crucial information and entities efficiently. It offers easy search and summary of complex documents, saving time and effort. The platform is easy to install and manage, and requires only a Microsoft 365 account and an Azure Marketplace license. Transform the way you handle information with WOOPI AI Platform.
Zafin Cloud (EU): Zafin's cloud-native SaaS platform separates product and pricing from core processing to accelerate modernization, enable digital transformation, and deliver personalization at the relationship level. Financial institutions benefit from customer-centric experiences, dynamic pricing strategies, and open banking capabilities. Zafin's SaaS platform manages pricing, products, and packages, simplifying core banking systems.

Go further with workshops, proofs of concept, and implementations

3D Product Configurator: Audax Labs offers a 3D product configurator for B2B/B2C commerce, integrating with CPQ software and providing benefits such as accurate sales quotes, elevated customer experiences, and empowered marketing efforts. Leveraging Microsoft Azure, the configurator offers scalability, global reach, secure data handling, AI and machine learning integration, and real-time collaboration and updates. It also optimizes resource allocation for cost-efficiency.
Accelerate Application Modernization with Code Bender: 4-Week Implementation: Code Bender is a custom development tool for Microsoft Azure that converts application code in older languages to modern languages. This implementation from Protiviti reduces the risk of cyber and operational challenges from old code bases, shortages in talent with older language skills, and introducing business logic or functional errors after translation.
Accelerate Cloud Adoption: This offering from Globant guides organizations through cloud adoption with four phases: Envision, Roadmap Strategy, Execution, and Improvement. It expedites cloud adoption, providing a competitive edge in the digital landscape, while maintaining robust, secure, and scalable cloud infrastructure.
Azure Arc: 4-Week Implementation: The Microsoft Azure Arc implementation service by Noventiq allows onboarding of on-premises servers, VMs, and Kubernetes clusters to Azure Arc with ease, ensuring hassle-free configuration and policy management, enhanced security, monitoring, and logging capabilities, and unified visibility and control across diverse environments.
Azure Virtual Desktop: 1-Hour Workshop: Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop offers a personalized touch to your virtual desktop experience. Consultants from Cloud Direct will guide you through a pre-deployment evaluation, ensuring a seamless transition. The workshop includes a discovery phase, technical evaluation, and deployment plan.
Cloud Kit: 1-Day Workshop: Codec's Cloud Kit toolset expedites the deployment of critical elements of the Microsoft Azure Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) by reducing planning and design impediments. It enhances consistency, improves security, reduces project timescale, reduces risk, and increases ROI of Azure. Free-of-charge initial discovery workshop.
Cloud Migration and Optimization for ISVs: 4-Hour Workshop: Avaelgo helps Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) migrate their software products to Microsoft Azure, providing benefits such as scalability, agility, cost reduction, security, and hybrid capabilities. This allows ISVs to stay competitive, innovate, and meet customer needs while reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
Codec Portal Accelerator: Half-Day Workshop: The Codec Portal Accelerator offers a customizable portal solution with a modular design and native integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365. It allows for custom API integrations and aligns with microservice practices for seamless integration. It can reduce time to value in delivering highly scalable public portal solutions and expedite digital transformation programs.  
Eviden Threat Protection Value Insights: 5-Week Workshop: This workshop helps organizations develop a strategic plan to improve their cybersecurity posture. It includes a self-assessment of the organization's security landscape, deployment of Microsoft threat detection tools, data collection and threat exploration, and a report on key results and next steps. The workshop also showcases the Microsoft end-to-end security approach and offers product demos.
Generative Lakehouse: Unleash AI Potential for Data-Driven Excellence: Adastra offers AI/ML solutions to transform businesses using the Microsoft Azure ecosystem. Quality data, effective modeling, mature MLOps, end-to-end security, and Azure expertise are required for successful outcomes. Adastra provides a 2-hour AI/ML session and optional two-day design workshop leading to a PoC or MVP engagement.
IBM Cyber Security Services Cloud XDR Managed Service: IBM's Cloud XDR service enhances Microsoft cloud-native services with IBM Threat Intelligence, providing accelerated incident response, faster detection of emerging threats, scalability, and effective utilization of Microsoft services and licenses. The service utilizes automation for rapid deployment and improved detection and response times at a competitive price.
Infrastructure Migration to Azure: 10-Week Implementation: SoftServe offers a 10-week implementation plan to migrate on-premises infrastructure to Microsoft Azure. The plan includes analysis, preparation, testing, and migration of applications and data to an optimized Azure environment with enhanced security measures. The deliverables include an architecture assessment report, solution document, migration plan, and operational documentation and training materials. The cost and timeline depend on the project's scope and complexity.
Security Operations Center Implementation: INNOVATE offers quick implementation of SIEM by integrating native data sources to enhance detection, analysis, and response capabilities based on Microsoft Azure cloud services. The service includes deployment and configuration of Sentinel, integration of third-party security solutions, real-time security monitoring, and automated incident alerts with personalized information and recommended action plans. This offer is available in Colombia, Panama, and Spain.
Open AI Enablement and Architecture: 10-Day Proof of Concept: OpenAI's proof of concept helps businesses explore AI applications such as content creation, conversational AI, document management, and data analysis. It includes a demonstration of Microsoft Azure OpenAI's capabilities, basic MLOps infrastructure, and architecture for generative AI use cases.
VisionBI Dataplatform Migrate, Modernize, and Innovate: VisionBI's new service assists customers in migrating their data platforms to Microsoft Fabric and Azure. The process involves three key steps: Migration, Modernization, and Innovation. Expert consultancy services are provided throughout the journey to ensure clients maximize their data's potential.

Contact our partners

Eduo Integrated School Affairs Support System
Accelerate Application Modernization with Code Bender: 4-Week Assessment
AI Candidate Assessment - MetaOPT
AI Masterclass for SMC India Geo
Amdocs SaaS Bill Experience
Atos Managed Azure
Azure Database Audit: 1-Week Assessment
Cloud Migration Assessment Framework
Cloud Optimization Assessment
CloudCover Guardian for Azure
Cofinity-X: Dataspace OS
Coforge's MigXpress
Configit Ace - Configuration Lifecycle Management Solution
Configit Ace - Configuration Lifecycle Management Solution (US)
CustomGPT Pro
Data and AI Strategy Assessment
Defants vSIRT
Digital In-Store
DS Migrate
Echo App
Egress Workspace
Esatto BizzscopeAI
Eviden for Azure OpenAI Custom Application Launchpad
Eviden's Data Security CSI Engagement: 4-Week Assessment
Face Swap
Fairly AI Red-Teaming-in-a-Box
GenAI Readiness: 2-Week Assessment
GeodataHub V1
Job Safety Analysis - SaaS
Kovair QuickSync - Data Migration Platform for Micro Focus ALM to Azure DevOps
LiveRoute CITRIX DaaS
MD.ECO - Proactive Cybersecurity
PenfieldAI Platform for Human-AI Automation
Scout - Soroco s Work Graph Platform
Sparxcloud Cloud Cost Management
SyncLite Database Replication/ETL/Migration Tool
Trend Vision One XDR for Networks (BYOL) - Empowering Teams Through AI-Driven Training and Enablement
Vital Start Health
Workstatz - Employee Efficiency and Productivity Monitoring Software


This content was generated by Microsoft Azure OpenAI and then revised by human editors.

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