Embracing AI and soft skilling as a strategic nonprofit play​

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Meg Garlinghouse is Vice President of Social Impact at LinkedIn. She brings decades of experience in nonprofits and team building to the social impact space and shared her expertise in this keynote at the Global Nonprofit Leaders Summit. She shared data from LinkedIn’s Workforce Report that demonstrates that in the age of AI innovation, soft skills like communication and connection are more valuable than ever. When we keep humans at the center of AI, the ability to create human connections becomes essential to AI nonprofit strategy. In Meg’s words, “A more human world of work is possible. Talent is and always will be at the core.”


After Meg’s opening keynote, she’s joined by Karin Kimbrough, Chief Economist at LinkedIn, for a fireside chat that explores the trends in the changing job market. She shares how careers and jobs are no longer siloed by roles or sectors—and in this agile, changing landscape, soft skills are more critical than ever. In her words, “As long as humans want to be with each other and connect, we're going to need great communicators. But there's also (demand for) someone who can do ethical decision making, social perception, flexibility, leadership. As much as we see this huge rise in the demand for …AI skills, we're also seeing an increasing commensurate rise in demand for those soft people skills that matter so much.”


Key topics summarized by Microsoft Copilot:

  • AI and social impact: Meg Garlinghouse shared LinkedIn's vision, data, and resources on how AI can be a force for good, but only by design and with the right talent, data and skills. (Video timestamp 1:55) 
  • AI and labor markets: Karin Kimbrough discussed the trends, challenges, and opportunities of AI for the global workforce, highlighting the demand for both AI and soft skills, the skills gap and the need for lifelong learning. (19:08) 
  • AI and nonprofit sector: Both speakers emphasized the importance of having technology expertise and representation at the leadership and board level, as well as finding ways to use data and generative AI tools responsibly and ethically to serve the mission and the audience of nonprofits. (6:15)



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