Moving Teams Android Devices to AOSP Device Management

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Community Hub.

We are pleased to announce that Microsoft Teams Android devices will be moving to Intune Android Open Source Project (AOSP) device management later this year. AOSP device management will be the mobile device management (MDM) platform for Teams devices going forward. This move will bring a more reliable experience, an improved deployment experience for admins, and it will serve as the platform for future innovation and richer management scenarios for Microsoft Teams Android devices.


AOSP Device Management is the replacement for the legacy Android Device Administrator solution used for managing Teams Devices.


This mandatory migration will take place over several months and will not start until Q3CY24. We’ve taken great care to minimize the end user and IT admin impact with this migration, but there is action required for you as the IT admin. Following our published guidance for migration will only take a few minutes and will ensure your devices are seamlessly migrated between MDM platforms with a simple firmware upgrade. End users will notice no difference in device functionality.


There are two parts to a successful migration to AOSP Device Management:


  • Step 1: Create new enrollment profiles & configuration/compliance policies in Intune. This step can be completed starting in Q3 CY24 and can be completed even before the firmware updates are available. Performing these steps will have no impact on existing devices but please note that failing to create enrollment profiles before performing step 2 will result in signed out Teams Devices.



  • Step 2: Take firmware updates containing the new AOSP agent and Authenticator app, for each of the supported Teams Devices. This firmware update will automatically unenroll the device from Device Administrator and re-enroll the device with AOSP device management with your newly created enrollment profile. This entire process will be done while the device remains signed into Teams. These firmware updates will be made available from Teams Admin Center as a manual update to allow you time to slowly migrate your devices. Availability is expected later in Q3 CY24.

Step by step guidance on how to complete steps 1 and 2 can be found in the AOSP migration admin guide.




My organization does not enroll our Teams Android Devices in Intune today, do we need to do anything?

No, if your organization does not enroll its Teams Devices into Intune today and currently has the Intune license unassigned from accounts signing into Teams Devices, there will be no impact when you install the new device firmware which supports AOSP device management. Your devices will get the new management applications, but no action is required beyond updating the devices to the new firmware once released.


What happens if I don’t do anything?

Devices will receive the firmware update through Teams Admin Center eventually regardless of admin action through automatic updates.

If your organization does enroll its Teams devices into Intune, then by not creating an enrollment profile, devices will fail to enroll properly in Intune and will thus not be able to sign in (or sign out if they were already signed in before). Not creating new AOSP policies could lead to unexpected issues in your environment, as Device Administrator policies will not be migrated automatically.


This blog post mentions that I need to wait until Q3CY24 to create enrollment profiles, I already see the option in my Intune admin portal, why should I wait?

The current enrollment profile creation has a 90-day expiration date. If you create the profile now, you will need to extend it every 90 days, we are working to improve this experience with a much longer expiration period prior to Q3CY24.


Wait, I don’t have to enroll my devices in Intune at all? Why would I want to use Intune?

Intune provides a security wrapper around your devices allowing you to set security controls as well as detect if the device is compliant with your organization security requirements prior to allowing the device to sign in to your M365 instance.


Are there devices that will not migrate to AOSP Device Management?

All devices currently certified and supported for Microsoft Teams will be migrated, those devices can be found here:

There are some Teams Android Devices that were previously supported, but are now end of life, which you may still have in your environment, those devices specifically not migrating are listed here:

  • AudioCodes C448HD (Teams Phone)
  • AudioCodes C450HD (Teams Phone)
  • AudioCodes RXV80 (Teams Rooms on Android)
  • Yealink VP59 (Teams Phone)
  • Yealink MP52 (Teams Phone)
  • Yealink VC210 (Teams Rooms on Android)
  • Crestron UC-2 (Teams Phone)
  • Crestron UC-P8 (Teams Phone)
  • Crestron UC-P8-I (Teams Phone)
  • Crestron UC-P10 (Teams Phone)
  • Crestron UC-P10-I (Teams Phone)
  • Crestron UC-P8-C (Teams Phone)
  • Crestron UC-P8-C-I (Teams Phone)
  • Crestron UC-P10-C (Teams Phone)
  • Crestron UC-P10-C-I (Teams Phone)
  • Crestron UC-P8-TD (Teams Display)
  • Crestron UC-P8-TD-I (Teams Display)
  • Crestron UC-P10-TD (Teams Display)
  • Crestron UC-P10-TD-I (Teams Display)
  • EPOS Expand Vision 3T (Teams Rooms on Android)

What happens with those devices that will not migrate?

The devices listed above will remain on Android Device Administrator. These devices can still be used once Android Device Administrator is fully deprecated but will be considered legacy and unsupported where features may be removed at any time. To use the device you will need to unenroll from Intune and then sign the device back in without an Intune license assigned to the account, more information about this can be found here: Manage Intune devices with Android device administrator | Microsoft Learn


Will I notice anything different with the devices after the migration?

No, the devices will not look any different from an end user perspective. As an IT admin you will see two new applications installed on your devices (visible in the software health tab in Teams Admin Center), these two applications are the “Authenticator” app and the “Microsoft Intune” app these applications replace the previous “Company Portal” application.


Why not use Android Enterprise?

Android Enterprise specifically requires Google Mobile Services, and since Teams Devices do not contain Google Mobile Services, AOSP Device Management is our solution.


What if once this migration is complete, I take a device out of storage that has not been through the migration?  Will I be able to upgrade it?

Yes, there will be out of box updates available to ensure devices are able to receive the latest apps.


I'm a GCC-High customer and I don't see the option for Teams Devices in the AOSP Device Management enrollment profile?

This is expected, this feature will be released to GCC-High customers at the end of June.


Who do I contact if I need more support or information?

Please reach out to your Microsoft account representatives or open a support case for more details.


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