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First published on MSDN on Aug 29, 2017Dear SSIS Users,
I'm happy to announce that we have released a new version of SSIS Azure Feature Pack , strengthening the connectivity for Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) .
Below is the list of improvements for this release:
Azure Data Lake Store File System Task:
This task is designed to provide users the capability to perform file system operations on ADLS. As of now, download/upload operations are supported. More operations will be added in the future. Different from existing ADLS Data Flow Source/Destination, this task can:
- copy files as opaque data instead of tabular data;
- copy a batch of files instead of a single file;
- support the File Expiry feature.
- Foreach ADLS File Enumerator: This enumerator enables users to enumerate files in an ADLS directory with filters.
You can download this new version of Azure Feature Pack from the following links:
- Azure Feature Pack for SQL Server 2012
- Azure Feature Pack for SQL Server 2014
- Azure Feature Pack for SQL Server 2016
- Azure Feature Pack for SQL Server 2017