This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: Access Blog articles.
Today we are announcing a new approach to how we will communicate our new feature development priorities vs the Microsoft Public Roadmap.
Beginning this month the Access team are transitioning to a new model. New feature development priorities will be listed in regular blog posts but in the Microsoft Public Roadmap we will only list those new features that our engineering team has 90% confidence will be shipping in the month listed.
Why? Because we don't want to create false expectations. The reality is that we can't be certain something will ship on a specific month, one year or even 6 months in advance.
- We sometimes have security issues or other critical issues we need to address that require us to take time and attention away from new feature development.
- Or in other cases we are dependent on teams for capabilities that get delayed due to surprises our internal partners face.
Below are the changes we will be making on our public roadmap and our development priorities.
We will communicate these priorities every few months as plans evolve in this blog. Once we are 90% confident we can ship a feature, we will then also update it on the public roadmap to reflect its target month of release.
Note: you will see items listed on the public roadmap for a few weeks that are some important features we are working on or planning to work on and they say they are "cancelled". This does not mean we are not working on them anymore. It just means they are cancelled from the public roadmap. This is only because we are removing a public date associated with them. These are not cancelled as our priorities.
So for example, the Inconsistent DB Fix is going to drop from our public roadmap this week, but it is still one of our top priorities this Summer. We just don't have confidence yet in a solution so we are waiting until we have that confidence to list its expected rollout date. The same can be said for the Modern Browser Control for Chromium Edge, where work has already begun.
So if you see our public roadmap get shorter, fear not! Our priorities are still going to be here for you to see on the blog. So look for a quarterly priorities update here at our blog to stay fully up to date.