Lesson Learned #240: Checking connection and execution latency in Azure SQL DB and Managed Instance

This post has been republished via RSS; it originally appeared at: New blog articles in Microsoft Community Hub.

Today, I worked on a service request that our customer asks about:

  • How to know the connection time invested to connect to the database in Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance. 
  • How to know the time invested running a real queries to know the latency of the network, roundtrips and execution time.

Following, I would like to share a small PowerShell Script that giving some parameters your could know by your own these numbers. All this information is based on this article 


1) Download the code from below.



#Licensed under the MIT license. #Azure Connection and Execution Time Spent #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, #WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #About this PowerShell Script #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Param($DatabaseServer = "ServerName.database.windows.net", $Database = "DBName", $Username = "UserName", $passwordSecure = "Password" , $NumberExecutions ="10", $Port="1433", $LogFile="c:\temp\Details.log") #------------------------------- #Delete the file #------------------------------- Function DeleteFile{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)]$FileName ) try { logMsg("Checking if the file..." + $FileName + " exists.") -SaveFile $false if( FileExist($FileName)) { logMsg("Removing the file..." + $FileName) -SaveFile $false $Null = Remove-Item -Path $FileName -Force logMsg("Removed the file..." + $FileName) -SaveFile $false } return $true } catch { logMsg("Remove the file..." + $FileName + " - " + $Error[0].Exception) (2) return $false } } #----------------------------------------------------------- # Identify if the value is empty or not #----------------------------------------------------------- function TestEmpty($s) { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($s)) { return $true; } else { return $false; } } #------------------------------- #File Exists #------------------------------- Function FileExist{ Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)]$FileName ) try { $return=$false $FileExists = Test-Path $FileName if($FileExists -eq $True) { $return=$true } return $return } catch { return $false } } #-------------------------------- #Obtain the DNS details resolution. #-------------------------------- function CheckDns($sReviewServer) { try { $IpAddress = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($sReviewServer) foreach ($Address in $IpAddress) { $sAddress = $sAddress + $Address.IpAddressToString + " "; } return $sAddress break; } catch { return "" } } #---------------------------------------------------------------- #Function to connect to the database using a retry-logic #---------------------------------------------------------------- Function GiveMeConnectionSource() { $lNumRetries=10 for ($i=1; $i -le $lNumRetries; $i++) { try { logMsg( "-------------------------------------- " + "Connecting Attempt #" + $i + " of " + $lNumRetries.ToString() + " - IP:" + $(CheckDns($DatabaseServer)) + " ----------------------------------") (3) $SQLConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = "data source=tcp:"+$DatabaseServer +"," + $Port $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";Initial Catalog="+$Database $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";Connection Timeout=30" $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";User ID="+ $Username $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";Password="+ $password $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";Application Name=Test SQLCLIENT Connection" $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";Persist Security Info=False" $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";ConnectRetryInterval=3" $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";ConnectRetryInterval=10" $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";Max Pool Size=100" $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";Min Pool Size=1" $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";MultipleActiveResultSets=False" $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";Pooling=True" $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";Encrypt=True" $SQLConnection.ConnectionString = $SQLConnection.ConnectionString + ";TrustServerCertificate=False" $start = get-date $SQLConnection.Open() $end = get-date ##$sAdditionalInformation = " - ID:" + $SQLConnection.ClientConnectionId.ToString() ##+ " -- HostName: " + $SQLConnection.WorkstationId + " Server Version:" + $SQLConnection.ServerVersion $lDiff=(New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End $end).TotalMilliseconds $LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_Number_Success = $LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_Number_Success+1 $LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_MS = $LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_MS+$lDiff logMsg("Connected (ms): " + $lDiff.ToString() ) (3) logMsg("Conn.Failed : " + $LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_Number_Failed.ToString()) (3) logMsg("Conn.Success : " + $LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_Number_Success.ToString()) (3) logMsg("Conn.(ms) : " + ($LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_MS / $LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_Number_Success).ToString()) (3) return $SQLConnection break; } catch { $LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_Number_Failed = $LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_Number_Failed +1 logMsg("Not able to connect - Retrying the connection..." + $Error[0].Exception.ErrorRecord + "-" + $Error[0].Exception.ToString().Replace("\t"," ").Replace("\n"," ").Replace("\r"," ").Replace("\r\n","").Trim()) (2) $WaitTime = (5*($i+1)) logMsg("Waiting for next retry in " + $WaitTime.ToString() + " seconds ..") -SaveFile $false Start-Sleep -s $WaitTime [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection]::ClearAllPools() } } } #-------------------------------- #Verify if the value is able to convert to integer #-------------------------------- Function IsInteger([string]$vInteger) { Try { $null = [convert]::ToInt32($vInteger) return $True } Catch { return $False } } #-------------------------------- #Log the operations #-------------------------------- function logMsg { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)] [string] $msg, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] [int] $Color, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [boolean] $Show=$true, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)] [boolean] $ShowDate=$true, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=4)] [boolean] $SaveFile=$true ) try { if($ShowDate -eq $true) { $msg = (Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff") + " " + $msg } If($SaveFile -eq $true) { Write-Output $msg | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Append } if($Show -eq $true) { $Colores="White" If($Color -eq 1 ) {$Colores ="Cyan"} elseIf($Color -eq 3 ) {$Colores ="Yellow"} elseIf($Color -eq 4 ) {$Colores ="Green"} elseIf($Color -eq 5 ) {$Colores ="Magenta"} If($Color -eq 2) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Red $msg } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor $Colores $msg } } } catch { Write-Host $msg } } Class LatencyAndOthers #Class to manage the connection latency { [long]$ConnectionsDone_MS = 0 [long]$ConnectionsDone_Number_Success = 0 [long]$ConnectionsDone_Number_Failed = 0 [long]$ExecutionsDone_MS = 0 [long]$ExecutionsDone_Number_Success = 0 [long]$ExecutionsDone_Number_Failed = 0 } Class QueryText #Query Text { [string]$Text = "" [boolean]$ExecuteNonQuery = $false [boolean]$ExecuteReader = $false [boolean]$ExecuteScalar = $false [int]$CommandTimeout=30 } $LatencyAndOthers = [LatencyAndOthers]::new() $Query = [QueryText]::new() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$IPArrayConnection = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Query = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CommandArray = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$QueryMetrics = @() cls if (TestEmpty($DatabaseServer)) { $DatabaseServer = read-host -Prompt "Please enter a Server Name" } if (TestEmpty($DatabaseServer)) { logMsg ("Server Name is empty. Closing the application.") exit; } if (TestEmpty($Database)) { $Database = read-host -Prompt "Please enter a Database Name" } if (TestEmpty($Database)) { logMsg ("DatabaseName is empty. Closing the application.") exit; } if (TestEmpty($Port)) { $Port = read-host -Prompt "Please enter the port number, for example, 1433 " } if (TestEmpty($Port)) { logMsg ("Port is empty. Closing the application.") exit; } if (TestEmpty($Username)) { $Username = read-host -Prompt "Please enter a User Name" } if (TestEmpty($Username)) { logMsg ("User Name is empty. Closing the application.") exit; } if (TestEmpty($passwordSecure)) { $passwordSecure = read-host -Prompt "Please enter a password" -assecurestring $password = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($passwordSecure)) } else {$password = $passwordSecure} if (TestEmpty($Password)) { logMsg ("Password is empty. Closing the application.") exit; } if (TestEmpty($NumberExecutions)) { $NumberExecutions = read-host -Prompt "Please enter the number of test to run (1-2000) - Leave this field empty and press enter for default value 10." } if (TestEmpty($NumberExecutions)) { $NumberExecutions="10" } if( -not (IsInteger([string]$NumberExecutions))) { logMsg("Please, specify a correct number of process to run, the value is not integer") (2) exit; } $IntegerNumberExecutions = [int]::Parse($NumberExecutions) if($integerNumberExecutions -lt 1 -or $integerNumberExecutions -gt 20000) { logMsg("Please, specify a correct number of process to run, it is a value between 1 and 2000") (2) exit; } $QueryTmp = [QueryText]::new() $QueryTmp.Text = "SELECT 1" $QueryTmp.ExecuteScalar=$true $Null = $Query.Add($QueryTmp) if(TestEmpty($LogFile)) { $FileBrowserAnalysis = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog -Property @{ InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop") Title = 'Please choose the Log File to save the content of this process' Filter = 'Log File to save the content (*.*)|*.*'} $null = $FileBrowserAnalysis.ShowDialog() $LogFile = $FileBrowserAnalysis.FileName if(TestEmpty($LogFile)) { logMsg -msg "File log was not selected" -Color 2 -bSaveOnFile $false exit; } } $Null = DeleteFile($LogFile) logMsg( "Details DB Connection: " + $DatabaseServer + " - DB: " + $Database + " HostName:" + $env:computername ) foreach($Tmp in $Query) ##Create the same number of command that queries that we need. { $QueryMetricTmp = [LatencyAndOthers]::new() $Null = $QueryMetrics.add($QueryMetricTmp) $command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand $command.CommandTimeout = $Tmp.CommandTimeout $command.CommandText = $Tmp.Text $command.Prepare() $Null = $CommandArray.Add($command) } $QueryCount = $query.Count $bShowQuery = $true $sw = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew() ##Take the time. for ($i=1; $i -le $IntegerNumberExecutions; $i++) ##For every number of process open a new connection and close it at the end. { try { $Null = $IPArrayConnection.Add($(GiveMeConnectionSource)) #Connecting to the database. if($IPArrayConnection[$i-1] -eq $null) { LogMsg("Not able to connect. Closing the application...") (2) exit; } for ($iQuery=0; $iQuery -lt $QueryCount; $iQuery++) #for Every query run it. { $CommandArray[$iQuery].Connection = $IPArrayConnection[$i-1] Try { $lDiff=0 LogMsg( "----------------------- Query Iteration:" + $i + " Query " + ($iQuery+1).ToString() + "/" + $QueryCount + " ---------------------------------------------------------" ) if($bShowQuery -eq $true) ##There is not needed to report the same and unique query multiple time and also we're saving time. { LogMsg( $query[$iQuery].Text ) if( $query[$iQuery].ExecuteNonQuery -eq $true ) { LogMsg( "Type command: ExecuteNonQuery") } if( $query[$iQuery].ExecuteScalar -eq $true ) { LogMsg( "Type command: ExecuteScalar") } if( $query[$iQuery].ExecuteReader -eq $true ) { LogMsg( "Type command: ExecuteReader") } $bShowQuery=(-not ($QueryCount -eq 1)) } $start = get-date $IPArrayConnection[$i-1].StatisticsEnabled = 1 if( $query[$iQuery].ExecuteNonQuery -eq $true ) { $Null = $CommandArray[$iQuery].ExecuteNonQuery() } if( $query[$iQuery].ExecuteScalar -eq $true ) { $Null = $CommandArray[$iQuery].ExecuteScalar() } if( $query[$iQuery].ExecuteReader -eq $true ) { $Null = $CommandArray[$iQuery].ExecuteReader() } $data = $IPArrayConnection[$i-1].RetrieveStatistics() $Null = $IPArrayConnection[$i-1].StatisticsEnabled = 0 $Null = $IPArrayConnection[$i-1].ResetStatistics() $end = get-date $lDiff=(New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End $end).TotalMilliseconds $QueryMetrics[$iQuery].ExecutionsDone_Number_Success = $QueryMetrics[$iQuery].ExecutionsDone_Number_Success+1 $QueryMetrics[$iQuery].ExecutionsDone_MS = $QueryMetrics[$iQuery].ExecutionsDone_MS+$lDiff $LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_Number_Success = $LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_Number_Success+1 $LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_MS = $LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_MS+$lDiff LogMsg( "Time required (ms) : " + $lDiff.ToString()) } catch { $LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_Number_Failed = $LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_Number_Failed+1 $QueryMetrics[$iQuery].ExecutionsDone_Number_Failed = $QueryMetrics[$iQuery].ExecutionsDone_Number_Failed+1 LogMsg( "Error: " + $Error[0].Exception) (2) } LogMsg( "NetworkServerTime (ms): " +$data.NetworkServerTime ) LogMsg( "Execution Time (ms) : " +$data.ExecutionTime) LogMsg( "ServerRoundTrips : " +$data.ServerRoundtrips) LogMsg( "SelectRows : " +$data.SelectRows) ##LogMsg( "BytesSent : " +$data.BytesSent) ##LogMsg( "BytesReceived : " +$data.BytesReceived) ##LogMsg( "Connection Time (ms) : " +$data.ConnectionTime) ##LogMsg( "BuffersReceived : " +$data.BuffersReceived) ##LogMsg( "SelectCount : " +$data.SelectCount) logMsg( "Query Commands Failed : " + $QueryMetrics[$iQuery].ExecutionsDone_Number_Failed.ToString()) logMsg( "Query Commands Success: " + $QueryMetrics[$iQuery].ExecutionsDone_Number_Success.ToString()) logMsg( "Query Commands ms : " + ($QueryMetrics[$iQuery].ExecutionsDone_MS / $QueryMetrics[$iQuery].ExecutionsDone_Number_Success).ToString()) logMsg( "Total Commands Failed : " + $LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_Number_Failed.ToString()) logMsg( "Total Commands Success: " + $LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_Number_Success.ToString()) logMsg( "Total Commands ms : " + ($LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_MS / $LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_Number_Success).ToString()) } $IPArrayConnection[$i-1].Close() ##Close the connection. } catch { LogMsg( "Error: " + $Error[0].Exception) (2) } } logMsg("-------------------------------------- SUMMARY -----------------------------------------------------------------") logMsg("Total Connections Failed : " + $LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_Number_Failed.ToString()) logMsg("Total Connections Success: " + $LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_Number_Success.ToString()) logMsg("Total Connections Avg ms : " + ($LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_MS / $LatencyAndOthers.ConnectionsDone_Number_Success).ToString()) LogMsg("Total Number Executions : " + $IntegerNumberExecutions) LogMsg("Total Number Queries : " + $QueryCount) LogMsg("Total Number Process : " + ($IntegerNumberExecutions*$query.Count)) logMsg("Total Commands Failed : " + $LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_Number_Failed.ToString()) logMsg("Total Commands Success : " + $LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_Number_Success.ToString()) logMsg("Total Commands ms : " + ($LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_MS / $LatencyAndOthers.ExecutionsDone_Number_Success).ToString()) $i=0 LogMsg("------------------- Queries Summary -------------------------------") foreach($Tmp in $Query) ##Create the same number of command that queries that we need. { LogMsg("Query # : " + $Tmp.Text) logMsg("Total Commands Failed : " + $QueryMetrics[$i].ExecutionsDone_Number_Failed.ToString()) logMsg("Total Commands Success: " + $QueryMetrics[$i].ExecutionsDone_Number_Success.ToString()) logMsg("Total Commands ms : " + ($QueryMetrics[$i].ExecutionsDone_MS / $QueryMetrics[$i].ExecutionsDone_Number_Success).ToString()) $i=$i+1 } LogMsg( "Review: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/data/adonet/sql/provider-statistics-for-sql-server") LogMsg("Time spent (ms) Procces : " +$sw.elapsed) logMsg("-------------------------------------- SUMMARY -----------------------------------------------------------------") Remove-Variable passwordSecure Remove-Variable password



2) Configure the value of the following parameters:


  • $DatabaseServer, will be the server name to connect, for example, "eeo1c8uk2i.database.windows.net"
  • $Database, will be the database name to connect, for example, "myDB"
  • $Username, will be the user to connect 
  • $passwordSecure, will be the password.
  • $NumberExecutions, number of times to connect to the database and run the queries, for example, "10".
  • $Port, port of the server to connect, for example, "1433"
  • $LogFile, location and file name where the PowerShell Script will save the content, for example, "c:\temp\salida.log"


If you don't leave empty/blank these values, PowerShell Script will ask for.


3) Specify the value of the following parameters:


  • Add the query or queries that you want to execute, for every, query, you need to specify, text and type (I suggested to enable only ExecuteNonQuery=$true.



$QueryTmp = [QueryText]::new() $QueryTmp.Text = "SELECT 1" $QueryTmp.ExecuteScalar=$true $Null = $Query.Add($QueryTmp) $QueryTmp = [QueryText]::new() $QueryTmp.Text = "SELECT count(Id) FROM PerformanceVarcharNVarchar Where TextToSearch = N'Test Search ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(200),RAND()*(2000000-10000)+10000) OPTION (MAXDOP 1)" $QueryTmp.ExecuteNonQuery=$true $Null = $Query.Add($QueryTmp)



4) Execute the process and open the log file.


  • Once the process has been finished, you are going to have the following details:

2022-10-14 18:44:14.356 Details DB Connection: ServerName.database.windows.net - DB: DBName HostName: ServerNameFromThePowerShellWasExecute.
2022-10-14 18:44:14.686 -------------------------------------- Connecting Attempt #1 of 10 - IP:(IP of ServerName)---------------------
2022-10-14 18:44:14.702 Connected (ms): 0 --> Time taken to connect.
2022-10-14 18:44:14.710 Conn.Failed : 0 --> Number of connections failed.
2022-10-14 18:44:14.714 Conn.Success : 1 --> Number of success connections.
2022-10-14 18:44:14.720 Conn.(ms) : 0 --> Average in ms for all the success connections established.
2022-10-14 18:44:14.724 ----------------------- Query Iteration:1 Query 1/2 ---------------------------------------------------------
2022-10-14 18:44:14.727 SELECT 1
2022-10-14 18:44:14.733 Type command: ExecuteScalar
2022-10-14 18:44:14.785 Time required (ms) : 37,1966 --> Time to complete the connection and retrieve the data.
2022-10-14 18:44:14.789 NetworkServerTime (ms): 36 --> Network Time.
2022-10-14 18:44:14.792 Execution Time (ms) : 36 --> Execution Time.
2022-10-14 18:44:14.795 ServerRoundTrips : 1 --> ServerRoundTrips.
2022-10-14 18:44:14.799 SelectRows : 1 --> Rows Number returned.
2022-10-14 18:44:14.803 Query Commands Failed : 0 --> Number of executions failed for this query
2022-10-14 18:44:14.806 Query Commands Success: 1 --> Number of success executions for this query. 
2022-10-14 18:44:14.810 Query Commands ms : 37 --> Average in ms of success executions for this query. 
2022-10-14 18:44:14.814 Total Commands Failed : 0 --> Number of executions failed for all queries

2022-10-14 18:44:14.818 Total Commands Success: 1 --> Number of success executions for all queries
2022-10-14 18:44:14.822 Total Commands ms : 37 --> Average in ms of success executions for all queries
2022-10-14 18:44:20.232 -------------------------------------- SUMMARY -----------------------------------------------------------------
2022-10-14 18:44:20.250 Total Connections Failed : 0
2022-10-14 18:44:20.261 Total Connections Success: 10
2022-10-14 18:44:20.266 Total Connections Avg ms : 0,5
2022-10-14 18:44:20.273 Total Number Executions : 10
2022-10-14 18:44:20.279 Total Number Queries : 2
2022-10-14 18:44:20.285 Total Number Process : 20
2022-10-14 18:44:20.291 Total Commands Failed : 0
2022-10-14 18:44:20.296 Total Commands Success : 20
2022-10-14 18:44:20.313 Total Commands ms : 184,25
2022-10-14 18:44:20.320 ------------------- Queries Summary -------------------------------
2022-10-14 18:44:20.326 Query # : SELECT 1
2022-10-14 18:44:20.332 Total Commands Failed : 0
2022-10-14 18:44:20.339 Total Commands Success: 10
2022-10-14 18:44:20.345 Total Commands ms : 36,5
2022-10-14 18:44:20.393 Review: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/data/adonet/sql/provider-statistics-for-sql-server
2022-10-14 18:44:20.401 Time spent (ms) Procces : 00:00:06.0379143
2022-10-14 18:44:20.409 -------------------------------------- SUMMARY -----------------------------------------------------------------




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